So a little more research by me then...
9.3.3 Points may be earned for each Flight Segment travelled on Eligible Flights by a member. The number of points earned is calculated using the shortest distance on the surface of the globe between the origin and destination of the Flight Segment, regardless of any intermediate stops.
9.3.4 Points for air travel will be accrued at the applicable Base Rate, as specified in the Airline Earning Table.
9.3.5 The Minimum Points Guarantee will be applied to all Eligible Flights that have a QF, JQ, 3K, VF, AA or BA flight number. The Minimum Points Guarantee is as follows:
(a) for Qantas (QF) and Jetstar (JQ, 3K or VF) - 1,000 Points for each Eligible Flight Segment travelled in Economy or Premium Economy class and 1,250 Points for each Eligible Flight Segment travelled in Business or First class or Jetstar
'Flight Segment' means a Segment that has been or is intended to be flown;
'Segment' means the portion of a journey between two consecutive points listed on an Itinerary. Segments may either be Flight Segments or Surface Segments;
and then...
^ A flight is a trip with a single flight number. If you have to change aircraft but the flight number doesn't change, it is considered the same flight. If the flight number changes during your journey, even if you continue on the same aircraft, this is considered two flights.