Oh no

I already get shafted with special meals because I simply don't eat meat... Not only do a get a disgraceful vego meal - and its been the same dodgy selection since I started flying frequently a few years ago, I don't get any cheese and biccies or deserts, choccies etc, just a dodgy piece of fruit, a "salad" that more times than not consists of just lettuce leaves and a small cold rock, which I am guessing is intended on being a bread roll... For some reason the qantas catering people think that no meat, means no food and I have to watch passengers next to me with their cheese, chocolates and desserts... Although sometimes I am lucky to get an attrocious wheat free, gluten free, dairy free, flavour free defrosted quinoa rhubarb "cake", lucky me
At least if I can't eat the "food" I have the snack on q bag to fall back on (although the contents have declined a lot since I started flying), so I hate to imagine what a 'vegetarian' snack bag will look like... Will they just lump all special meals in the same category like they lump all special meal trays and fill it with carrot sticks and wheat, gluten, salt, dairy, fat and flavour free hummos or something equally delicious? Looks like BYO snacks for me...