I find a place that might be suitable for me to eat across the road from Aomori station. It is called....
Fish or Meat.
I like fish. I like meat. I can eat here.
Not wanting to get into trouble, I ask if my Visa card (VFF Global Wallet) is accepted. Yes. Great.
Not wanting to waste food & insult my hosts, I ask the waitress if I can get chicken only or beef only, including pointing & hard gestures. Eventually after a couple of trips to the kitchen, she confirms chicken only.
Chicken only comes out as chicken, rice, noodles, pasta & soup. There's also a couple of beef sausages. Never mind. The chicken & the beef sausages were fine, however.
I ate & then successfully paid for the meal with the card - no trip to the nearby Police station for me.
Walking around town, I notice that there's little visible or auidible English. There's lots of snow & ice around but some people still slip & slide including a teenaged schoolgirl. Not knowing the Japanese word for careful, I tell her to be careful in English. She laughs. I don't know if she understood or if she thinks that I said that she looks pretty today but often, the Japanese know more English than they let on.
After walking around the shops & downtown for a while (protip - most of the ATMs there don't have an Engrish button), I am so cold. The display of 0°C at 1500 does not surprise me. Is the snow following me or am I following the snow.
I regret the fact that I don't have a friendly Canadian or American girl to hug to keep warm at this point. I bounce up & down on the spot. I wonder what the Japanese version of "bbbbrrrr" is. For one of the few times this trip in the snow, I'm shivering. Bbbrrrrr.
In the distance, I see a fire engine responding. It is heading towards the train station. I decide that even though I still have around 90 minutes before my last possible train, I should head to the station in the direction of the fire truck. An ambulance also heads that way.
Just before the station, I catch up to the fire engine & ambulance. Cold is forgotten for a moment. I don't hang around to see what happens or I might need an ambulance.
Returning to the station, I just manage to make the next train. If I missed that train, I'd have a 30 minute wait.
I had some ladies I wanted to say goodbye to....
Back at Shin-Aomori, I return to the tourist information centre. Using an app on my phone (which I also used at Fish Or Meat), I thank the ladies very much for their information. I tell them their office is very warm & that downtown is very nice but very cold. I tell them about Fish or Meat.
I decide to ask for a photo. I've had several Japanese people ask me if I wanted them to take my photo in front of something - and I've always accepted the offer - but apart from the Shinjuku firemen & the Shinjuku snowball fighters, there's no photos yet with Japanese women, only guys.
I ask for a photo. The ladies say yes but remain behind their counter. So to get me in the photo & the 3 of them behind the counter, I get into selfie mode but need to lean back - there's the counter ' a height difference.
The ladies look at me & look at the screen. There's lots of laughter as there has been for the last 5 minutes. I'm guessing they don't see a lot of Aussies in Shin-Aomori.