Is flying part of you earning money? Going on holiday? etc. maybe not strictly necessary but something that supports goals/activities/hobbies. Benefit vs risk or impact, how is that equation for your unnecessary flying? Only you can answer that one.
My last trip, yeah I could've sat up from midnight until 8 am for 3 days watching a task group writing meeting. Instead I choose to participate in person. The flying wasn't necessary, but the benefit of being there in person was vast in terms of being productive.
No problem with flying, imo more about the purpose of the flying. Even a status run has a purpose, the question is whether the benefit is greater than the impact. I saw someone else talked about offsetting, which is one way to minimise the impact.
Cannon-Brookes and his private plane seems to be focussing on some kind of gotchca politics that misses the point entirely - the climate change culture wars. Cannon-Brookes himself is also stuck in that culture war, it would seem. While we're stuck in this place we will continue to ignore the real issue.
Everything costs, everything people do has an impact. There is no right or wrong. Looks like Cannon-Brookes is trying to minimise his impact.