Finally reached Lifetime Gold... what next?

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more likely a few years ago when sq scrapped lifetime.
less likely now with the virgin threat
Absolutely. Even if it was something like 28-30K SC's for LTP there would be SO MANY MORE people striving for this rather than switching over once LTG was attained.

Completely disagree.

If QF handed out LTP, then people could stop flying QF once they hit LTP, and still get top-tier benefits without QF getting any money. As it currently stands, if you want top tier benefits, you have to keep crediting to QF (and for most people, flying a lot on QF).

Also, no other OW airline offers life time Emerald. I don't think QF will introduce it. And there maybe specific rules against it.
If they did any of these then there would be a large group of very pissed off people who are currently working towards a published benefit. I don't think they'd be that silly (98.5% to LTS, 49.25% to LTG here ...)

I agree, as someone who is scheduled to hit LTS at 4.48pm New York time (ex BOS in seat 3B) on 06 April, I would be extremely annoyed if lifetime benefits were "enhanced" out of existence.
Completely disagree.

If QF handed out LTP, then people could stop flying QF once they hit LTP, and still get top-tier benefits without QF getting any money. As it currently stands, if you want top tier benefits, you have to keep crediting to QF (and for most people, flying a lot on QF).

Also, no other OW airline offers life time Emerald. I don't think QF will introduce it. And there maybe specific rules against it.

I absolutely agree. Think about it, folks - what benefit would be in it for QF? None, zip and whatever else you care to call zero. In fact there are obvious disbenefits to them as pointed out by AC. It won't happen - ever.

They have to keep us WPs on our drug fix to keep the $$ flowing their way :mrgreen: - and rightly so - it's a business, not a charity :p.
I absolutely agree. Think about it, folks - what benefit would be in it for QF? None, zip and whatever else you care to call zero. In fact there are obvious disbenefits to them as pointed out by AC. It won't happen - ever.

They have to keep us WPs on our drug fix to keep the $$ flowing their way :mrgreen: - and rightly so - it's a business, not a charity :p.

Agree 100%. I've said this whenever the topic of LTP comes up, but the majority wants to have one and there's even rumour there's one in the works.

I've been a LTG for about 18 months now and I've been thinking about OP's question on and off for about a year before I reached LTG. I still haven't completely dumped QF, but my spend has certainly spread to other airlines. However, the main reason of spreading my spend isn't entirely due to LTG, but the lack of improvement (to me) of the QFF programme.

If VA ever enters Star Alliance or another alliance, it'll be a great incentive for me to switch over entirely.
I absolutely agree. Think about it, folks - what benefit would be in it for QF? None, zip and whatever else you care to call zero. In fact there are obvious disbenefits to them as pointed out by AC. It won't happen - ever.

They have to keep us WPs on our drug fix to keep the $$ flowing their way :mrgreen: - and rightly so - it's a business, not a charity :p.

Yes - let's think about it....

1/ No LTP - FF hits LTG, now has free lifetime access to the QP when flying QF etc.

No real incentive to aim for anything further, no requirement to meet minimum status credit retention to maintain SG status - starts flying more on VA to attain a Gold plus Gold strategy.

Now the FF is happy to fly a BFOD policy as he is granted decent benefits and lounge access regardless of airline.

QF only received revenue when flying QF, and only costs them benefits when he flys QF.

2/ LTP exists and the FF continues to retain WP after reaching LTG in order to aim for LTP. QF gains another loyal 14,000 or so SCs worth of business in the process.

LTP FF only gains benefits when flying QF, and the benefits only cost QF when he does fly QF.

I've just shot holes in all the arguments presented thus far.

Lounge overcrowding isn't much of an issue (except if the F lounge now has to cope with all the LTP who are now once-a-year-leisure-flyers in whY). Remember that LTG already confers lifetime QP access.
I often wonder if the marketing execs who dream up "lifetime" benefits/status are still in the business when the "flood" begins. It sounds such a great idea when you are 10 years from seeing thousands of customers tick over to "lifetime" status.

I do fear that QF will dilute the benefits of LTG as more and more pax reach the target.

Internationally I pretty much have to fly QF to get to South American destinations and JASA's and FASA's keep up my interest. Domestically I have switched to DJ, and put some of my international spend with VA too. This wasn't really a decision based upon reaching LTG it was based upon the relentless appalling customer service QF provides me.
Just crossed 30k SC's, been flying QF since 1994.

Geepers, 30K SCs..... I almost fell off my chair!

My 3.5K SCs feel very insignificant now.... I would have more if I wasn't an Ansett boy initially, maybe double but well short of your score.

Well done!
Yes - let's think about it....

< snip >


Completely agree - we have to remember that people who earn 14K SCs are fairly rare in the scheme of things - people who earn 28K are an even smaller minority. If you look through a lot o posts here about where to credit points a lot of people consistently say "credit to QF until LTG and maybe maintain 1200 per year but above that goes to aanother program" - if LTP was an option then maany would still credit to QF - I am probably one of those.

I often wonder if the marketing execs who dream up "lifetime" benefits/status are still in the business when the "flood" begins. It sounds such a great idea when you are 10 years from seeing thousands of customers tick over to "lifetime" status.

But it isn't going to be thousands - as above very few people hit LTG let alone 28K. Even here the reports of LTG are fairly low - even for hard core flyers. Also people die or stop flying (or both) so as you pour more in at one end others will drop off at the other...
Oh this is so incredibly simple. Game mechanics in action. You could write a book on this subject and still not cover everything.

Even if lifetime platinum was set at 100,000 SC it keeps the game going and the spend levels up much higher than they currently are for LTG achievers. People LOVE games - it's in everything we do everyday and one of the most simple things that keeps the world moving.

Now, when someone hits 100K SC - what's the big deal with lifetime platinum? (see dfcatch's post). They've spent a bucketload with your brand - presumably more than 500x the average ARPU. Not someone you want spending up big with a competitor...

LTP doesn't need to actually be obtainable - it just needs to be visible. Knowing the light is at the end of the tunnel is enough to keep some people motivated, even if it's unrealistically unobtainable by the 99%.

Problem solved. next? :)
Now, when someone hits 100K SC - what's the big deal with lifetime platinum? (see dfcatch's post). They've spent a bucketload with your brand - presumably more than 500x the average ARPU. Not someone you want spending up big with a competitor...

It is also likely that if someone has hit stupid levels of SCs with your brand then they are less likely to switch just because hey now have LTP. There are probably aircraft in the fleet with the seats shaped exactly to their butt!
I'm currently pretty close to LTS ( probably get it within 12 months), LTG will probably take 5 years.
After that if still flying then I will aim to do the basic 1200 for WP and look at AAnother program. Might even just look at Exp instead of WP as I'm not a regular domestic whY flyer. I'll still be in the F Lounge as an Exp and that's one of the benefits I like.
If QF were to introduce LTP I would keep on doing my usual after LTG and rack up as many SC's as possible chasing the dream ;)
After that if still flying then I will aim to do the basic 1200 for WP and look at AAnother program. Might even just look at Exp instead of WP as I'm not a regular domestic whY flyer. I'll still be in the F Lounge as an Exp and that's one of the benefits I like.

I would certainly advocate getting EXP if you aren't doing much dom whY esp if you fly to the US.
Yes - let's think about it....

1/ No LTP - FF hits LTG, now has free lifetime access to the QP when flying QF etc.

No real incentive to aim for anything further, no requirement to meet minimum status credit retention to maintain SG status - starts flying more on VA to attain a Gold plus Gold strategy.

Now the FF is happy to fly a BFOD policy as he is granted decent benefits and lounge access regardless of airline.

QF only received revenue when flying QF, and only costs them benefits when he flys QF.

2/ LTP exists and the FF continues to retain WP after reaching LTG in order to aim for LTP. QF gains another loyal 14,000 or so SCs worth of business in the process.

LTP FF only gains benefits when flying QF, and the benefits only cost QF when he does fly QF.

I've just shot holes in all the arguments presented thus far.

Lounge overcrowding isn't much of an issue (except if the F lounge now has to cope with all the LTP who are now once-a-year-leisure-flyers in whY). Remember that LTG already confers lifetime QP access.

Why don't we just move the LTG target to 28000SC and be done with it? You still get your extra 14000SC worth of extra revenue.

Like I've said before, presenting the argument that having LTP to tempt you to keep flying QF is pointless because the counter-argument will always be there that once you've reached that level, your motivation to fly with that airline will drop. At the same time, you risk setting the LTP level to be so high that no one will care for it.

Frankly, with the creation of P1, QF wants you to spend $x with them every year. They don't really care about you reaching any lifetime status.
If its a game, then LTG is simply the restart button as it stands, which I am about to press LOL.
Why don't we just move the LTG target to 28000SC and be done with it? You still get your extra 14000SC worth of extra revenue.

Like I've said before, presenting the argument that having LTP to tempt you to keep flying QF is pointless because the counter-argument will always be there that once you've reached that level, your motivation to fly with that airline will drop. At the same time, you risk setting the LTP level to be so high that no one will care for it.

Frankly, with the creation of P1, QF wants you to spend $x with them every year. They don't really care about you reaching any lifetime status.

I don't follow your logic or your point...??

Lifetime status matters. It's an incentive.

Allow me to explain using myself as Exhibit A.

I have around 5000 lifetime SCs. I will hit LTS after this and next year's WP retain.

I am aiming for LTS as I value the benefit of Lifetime Ruby (particularly as I fly in the US).

Because I am within realistic reach of LTS - I am pushing through to get there. Realistically if it wasn't there, I may very well let my WP lapse this year / or perhaps pursue VA retention as a primary goal.

QF is keeping my business right now because of both the existence and achievability of LTS.

What's my plan beyond that?

I will reassess everything upon reaching LTS, including flying patterns, personal circumstances and finances (I'm self funded), state of airlines and whether VA has joined *A or not. Given I have another couple of WP years planned, a soft landing to Gold, and almost two years of QP on hold, I'm probably in the QF camp for a bit longer..... But if LTG is unachievable for me, then all alternatives are on the table....

So IMHO - lifetime targets are smart business, but they do need to be realistic and achievable. Not easy, but achievable.
It's funny, I know a few other LGs and it seemed to me that 14K lifetime SCs was a bar set a bit low for LG (that was even when I was working and having to fly whY :evil:). The bar was obviously set some time ago and people generally seem to fly more these days so that's another reason I thought it may be outdated.

For that reason, as I ran up to it a while back, I was in fear that QF would 'enhance' the bar higher. Fortunately that was not the case :D.

Since becoming a SFSC and travelling up front a lot more, I've motored well beyond the LG and fast approaching a 'theoretical' LP at 28K SC.
But it isn't going to be thousands - as above very few people hit LTG let alone 28K. Even here the reports of LTG are fairly low - even for hard core flyers. Also people die or stop flying (or both) so as you pour more in at one end others will drop off at the other...

I have seen 3000 mentioned here for number of WP1's. These WP1's will be LTG or based on someone starting afresh will hit LTG in under four years.* The consistent WP+PG needs under six years, and the consistent "phew, made it" WP needs just over eleven. We have already had a few years at this game too. I agree some will die or drop off, but there will be thousands of LTG. I made LTG and had only two years where I passed 2400SC's. :shock:

When the marketing execs come up with their "lifetime" strategies I'm not sure they really think about what happens is all so far away and anyway "very few people hit LTG"!!!!;)

*Obviously travel might vary and WP1's may not consistently maintain their level.
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I have seen 3000 mentioned here for number of WP1's. These WP1's will be LTG or based on someone starting afresh will hit LTG in under four years.* The consistent WP+PG needs under six years, and the consistent "phew, made it" WP needs just over eleven. We have already had a few years at this game too. I agree some will die or drop off, but there will be thousands of LTG. I made LTG and had only two years where I passed 2400SC's. :shock:

When the marketing execs come up with their "lifetime" strategies I'm not sure they really think about what happens is all so far away and anyway "very few people hit LTG"!!!!;)

*Obviously travel might vary and WP1's may not consistently maintain their level.


It doesn't matter how many LTGs there are - millions is fine.

It only matter when they fly and use the benefits - which means they are generating fresh revenue.

And if they're not flying, then they're not using benefits.

But I guess we shouldn't allow too many people into the club for fear that too many people have a shiny card on their desk and a DYKWIA pride.

The biggest risk is that "others" might be entitled to use our hard earned benefits such as lounge access.

If the lounges are overcrowded - time to expand them, simple. (if lounge overcrowding is the real issue).

If not - what is the real issue?

Why should any of us care how many others have status?

I only care about receiving the benefits due to me.
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