Well the dishwasher had an F1 warning (flooding) before left home.... But got to T4 on the trustee 901!
Went to service desk and let's just say fantastic service.... Great seat

Then pressed yes thinking I agree with terms on checking machine to find I said I had dangerous goods!!!!!
Got in line but you can just have another go on machine to get tags and boarding pass... I am now a qualified tag to bag person..... Never done That before......
Then more screen time and touching (Ebola eat your heart out)..... Checked in unweighted bag.... Paid 20kg....13kg.... Yes I weighed before left home.... It's XMAS thought might have to fill a bit more!!!
Security pinged me for drug/explosive scan..... But friendly bloke.
Then the navigation begins to get to gate.... Like international head diagonal thru to the TREK.... Second world country terminal.... Hello travelators were designed to be implemented in places like T4..... If you have a mini skateboard BRING IT!
Then at the end escalator/lift to a greeting line which I thought was weigh hand luggage line but is actually to board aircraft!!!!!!!
Staff at service desk and did not know if WiFi in terminal...... As far as I can see what happens to Free 1hr????????
Then informed of waiting area as flight delayed already 30 min!
I have been to third world airports and the seating is better than these fantastic plastic things.... Power points a very hard to find... If you look hard enough I found 1!!!!
I was surprised the lappie and tablet weighed with bag 6.2kg WTF!
Bigger flight screen and a TV would be a nice touch in the castle yard seating area!