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After reading a lot of the comments in regards to how muchyou have flown for 2013, after all my travelling (2013; 200,000+ miles, 100+sectors), I see the other side of question“how do YOU fly”?
I often sit back and observe the different flyers/passengerswho take to the skies and I finally come to the conclusion there are 4 maintypes of travellers. Although there are other traveller traits often observedand I think they come under a subset of one of the 4 major types. It’s a bitlike memes that depending on your state of mind, or current travel hassles, youcan drift between the different types, or even purposely entering one dependingon the situation, like pushing for that elusive Qantas upgrade withoutpoints!!!
Type 1 - The Beginner (aka, The Wishful Thinkers). Thestarry eyed first time traveller, assigned to 69K, praying that the seat willbe located behind 16K in Business class. They walk down the aisle checkingevery seat number, hopeful. Always a great bunch of travellers who find sheeramazement with the small screens showing so many movies (always channel hopping)and the wonderful food served, eating every last morsel. Unfortunately, the firstsign of turbulence takes them back to reality. Often observed passing multiple timesthrough security forgetting firstly to remove their “bum-bag” and then gettingpulled up with their 1 litre of water (“sorry Sir, I did not see any signs”) . Frequentlytravel in packs.
Type 2 - The Noisy Miners. (aka The Painful, The Town Criers,The Pagemasters, etc) Whether it be the “pagemasters” continuallypaging the hostess (common on South Asian flights), the noisy extended familieswith the Uncle yelling instructions over 4 rows (north Asian flights) or the freshlytattooed sunburnt tourist (everywhere) they make up the group that seeksattention whilst travelling in their own way. In some cases it could possibly diagnosedas a physiological condition, that once entering the airport terminal you havean ordained right over the airline and its staff, demanding better seats,upgrades, special meals and then service on the plane. Subduing this type is difficult, often withsome, once alcohol kicks in it’s a blessing, but with others what would we givefor a mute switch on the call button!
Type 3 - The T&B’s (aka “look at me” “look at me”) TheT&B’s (Tumi and Bose) are a wonderful species to observe. Quickly spottedas you board the plane, as they are quite often holding the boarding up, slowlydisrobing, and folding their jacket or placing their luggage neatly in theoverhead bin oblivious to their fellow passengers stagnant behind them. Oftenfound in business class with their coordinated luggage; Tumi luggage tag prominentlydisplayed, ready to unfurl the Bose noise cancelling headphones from their case.Included in the group are the commonly observed “Sprinters” who are first tothe toilet to change to the Qantas inspired PJ’s, and the “Mate’s Club”travellers who love to stand over fellow travellers espousing their latest traveller’stale. (Ironically I feel the wanker tag in WP should be associated to thisgroup, who are generally Gold members striving for that extra status/attention.WG makes better sense!). Can also be observed outside the aircraft, eitherlooking for the slightest of opening in the boarding queue, sprinting once the “Business,Pt, and Au” is called, or double-speed to the passport line in an attempt tobeat the crowds. Have been known to showtraits of type 2.
Type 4 – The Quiet Achievers. (aka The Minimalists) By far thelargest group of travellers coming from all walks of life (or travel mileage,class, status, etc.), who see travel as the intermediate step to get to theirnext stage in life. Get on and off the plane with minimum of fuss, no strain ordemands on the cabin crew and of course make little waves throughout thejourney. Often share a conversation with the person seated next to them, althoughthis phenomena does seem to disappear as you move closer to the front of theplane. Tend to dissipate quietly from the airport once arrived, ready for theirnext journey. Have been known to regress back into types 2 and 3 when provoked bydelays, queues and excessive consumption of alcohol!
(Of course “tongue in cheek”, written heading towards ICNvia HKG, showing traits of Type 2, 3 and 4, listening with my Bose and enjoyinga Singha or two)
How do YOU travel?
I often sit back and observe the different flyers/passengerswho take to the skies and I finally come to the conclusion there are 4 maintypes of travellers. Although there are other traveller traits often observedand I think they come under a subset of one of the 4 major types. It’s a bitlike memes that depending on your state of mind, or current travel hassles, youcan drift between the different types, or even purposely entering one dependingon the situation, like pushing for that elusive Qantas upgrade withoutpoints!!!
Type 1 - The Beginner (aka, The Wishful Thinkers). Thestarry eyed first time traveller, assigned to 69K, praying that the seat willbe located behind 16K in Business class. They walk down the aisle checkingevery seat number, hopeful. Always a great bunch of travellers who find sheeramazement with the small screens showing so many movies (always channel hopping)and the wonderful food served, eating every last morsel. Unfortunately, the firstsign of turbulence takes them back to reality. Often observed passing multiple timesthrough security forgetting firstly to remove their “bum-bag” and then gettingpulled up with their 1 litre of water (“sorry Sir, I did not see any signs”) . Frequentlytravel in packs.
Type 2 - The Noisy Miners. (aka The Painful, The Town Criers,The Pagemasters, etc) Whether it be the “pagemasters” continuallypaging the hostess (common on South Asian flights), the noisy extended familieswith the Uncle yelling instructions over 4 rows (north Asian flights) or the freshlytattooed sunburnt tourist (everywhere) they make up the group that seeksattention whilst travelling in their own way. In some cases it could possibly diagnosedas a physiological condition, that once entering the airport terminal you havean ordained right over the airline and its staff, demanding better seats,upgrades, special meals and then service on the plane. Subduing this type is difficult, often withsome, once alcohol kicks in it’s a blessing, but with others what would we givefor a mute switch on the call button!
Type 3 - The T&B’s (aka “look at me” “look at me”) TheT&B’s (Tumi and Bose) are a wonderful species to observe. Quickly spottedas you board the plane, as they are quite often holding the boarding up, slowlydisrobing, and folding their jacket or placing their luggage neatly in theoverhead bin oblivious to their fellow passengers stagnant behind them. Oftenfound in business class with their coordinated luggage; Tumi luggage tag prominentlydisplayed, ready to unfurl the Bose noise cancelling headphones from their case.Included in the group are the commonly observed “Sprinters” who are first tothe toilet to change to the Qantas inspired PJ’s, and the “Mate’s Club”travellers who love to stand over fellow travellers espousing their latest traveller’stale. (Ironically I feel the wanker tag in WP should be associated to thisgroup, who are generally Gold members striving for that extra status/attention.WG makes better sense!). Can also be observed outside the aircraft, eitherlooking for the slightest of opening in the boarding queue, sprinting once the “Business,Pt, and Au” is called, or double-speed to the passport line in an attempt tobeat the crowds. Have been known to showtraits of type 2.
Type 4 – The Quiet Achievers. (aka The Minimalists) By far thelargest group of travellers coming from all walks of life (or travel mileage,class, status, etc.), who see travel as the intermediate step to get to theirnext stage in life. Get on and off the plane with minimum of fuss, no strain ordemands on the cabin crew and of course make little waves throughout thejourney. Often share a conversation with the person seated next to them, althoughthis phenomena does seem to disappear as you move closer to the front of theplane. Tend to dissipate quietly from the airport once arrived, ready for theirnext journey. Have been known to regress back into types 2 and 3 when provoked bydelays, queues and excessive consumption of alcohol!
(Of course “tongue in cheek”, written heading towards ICNvia HKG, showing traits of Type 2, 3 and 4, listening with my Bose and enjoyinga Singha or two)
How do YOU travel?