FOREX Providors

Cruiser Elite

Oct 31, 2010
Maybe a thread specifically dedicated to FOREX Providers where AFF Members may be able to share their insights / experiences might be of benefit.

I had a cold call from CORPAY on Tuesday - I immediately cut off the marketing spiel and requested a spot rate quote which was provided, and which was extremely competitive, so I want to investigate further.

I sent the dude off to check possibility of settling FOREX Transactions with a CC which he promised he will do and come back to me.

Any AFFers with experience with CORPAY that might be shared?
yep I'm a regular with them.
before corpay they used to be AFEX, they got bought out.
Started using AFEX 6-7yrs ago.

a lot of these will start off very competitive and then your rate will slip a bit over time, so just need to watch it.

ETF only though, to their bank account. no YP or sniip.
would be interesting what answer you get regarding CC.

what I really like is no trasaction fees & they let me sit on FOREX funds till I need without doing fancy forwards etc.
if today the spot rate is good, I'll just buy funds (& pay them the AUD) and then slowly use those pre-purchased funds to send o/s to my suppliers
Daft do you use their online Portal? If YES how user friendly is it?

I have used AMEX FOREX for last 15 years - their online Portal is brilliant - rates are very competitive - but theu have stopped me paying via YakPay - you can settle via AMEX Business Platinum but fee is 2.15% for a 2.125pts earn = effectively 2c / pt.

AMEX FOREX have been also giving 1 MRpt / AUD15 spend on their FOREX - not a lot but it helped when added to YakPay earn.
yes I do.
the old AFEX portal was more user friendly.
its not as user friendly but i've gotten used to it now.
been using it all of 2022.

They have a help website with screenshots here which will help you compare, Making a payment

I spoke to AMEX after you gave me the contact, however they wouldnt let me pre-purchase and sit on FOREX which is why I didn't go with them

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