Free to good home - 1 x Qantas Club pass, expires end Jan09

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All that said, quite a few years ago, I suspect I was stuffed over by a 'Frequent Flyer' when I gave them something for nothing. Not going to go into the details, but they know what they did and that I worked it out. Will always be remembered.
I gave a Hyatt room upgrade certificate away a couple years back to someone who occasionally posts here and FT. Even paid the postage, and not one word of thanks!:rolleyes::shock: He still posts on occasions and I won't even read his posts as it still irks me a fair bit.

I now will only give things away to people I have personally met...
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I've been reading some posts/offers in the Coupon Connection on FT (must have been bored :p) including the T&C's.

The envisagement of this is thus:
... Think of it more like a water cooler environment – a group of like-minded travel junkies who may not need that extra drink coupon but might want a discount on their next duty-free purchase onboard. ...
The rest of the T&C of that forum are an eye opener - I guess the mods of that one have almost full time roles.
(I can't even imagine what happened in Mal's case, but is always bad when you do something in good faith and get stuffed around in return)
I have a fair idea of what happened.

I try to help people wherever possible but being a pessimist, actually a realist, I don't believe just because you do good for someone the same will happen to you....
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Using their expert knowledge and specialised tools, the Frequent Flyer Concierge team at Frequent Flyer Concierge will help you book a great trip that maximises the value for your points.

I have a fair idea of what happened.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure we've discussed it - although I don't think I ever said who it was (?), and if I did, I'm sure you'd keep it to yourself :)

I end up with way too much travel guff - amenity kits/hotel stay vouchers/qantas club vouchers/discount coupons/express immigration cards etc etc etc. More than happy to give them away to various people where the opportunity exists (selling is also possible, but I hate the hassle with that - and even gifting for a reward isn't that exciting to me).

All up, you can be burned with 'regulars' or 'newbies', 'friends', or 'workmates'. But as indicated before, I really dislike people popping up and requesting things when I have no clue who they are. I wouldn't give $1 to a random dude who asks me for money on the street - it's no different with various other 'value' items.

BTW - for those who have received various things from me, don't worry - I'm most likely not talking about you. If you stuffed me over, you would know what you did and how I reminded you subtly that I knew.
I wish i got stuff to give away :( No QF passes, nothing like that... i am boring. If i did i would be annoyed if i did not even get a thankyou !
I'm absolutely hooked by the hint of Mal's story. I can not imagine what could ahve happened.
If only I could ever get known well enough to have a chance to be told the story.
But there are also the new posters who register on here just to give stuff away, which is pretty generous. I received 2 QP passes in mid Dec to complement my QC membership for a trip with some mates. He even express posted them to me as I was leaving the next day, though I had not offered any payment in return. I did order a 6 pack of decent beer to be delivered to his house when I returned, however.

I can't believe that some of you have sent out passes without even receiving a pm or posting of thanks, that's pretty sad really.

If only I could ever get known well enough to have a chance to be told the story.
Come along to the monthly drinks gatherings in Brisbane or even to the FT AGM in Brisbane next month.

Going OT slightly but if you are a member of Flyertalk then you can see some of the bad deals that occur on Coupon Connection. I wanted to trade some things and I was strongly advised to not bother with Coupon Connection as some people have a tendency to receive your offering but not send what was agreed. Anyway it is not my story so enough said from me....
FWIW AussieTim received the pass and sent me a note of thanks via PM. Hope you enjoy the lounge in Changi mate. :)

- Febs.

I know when you give something away you don't necessarily expect something in return, but to not even get a thankyou :confused:

Its happened to me as well, not with anything airline related. Sort of leaves you with a weird feeling.

Not that you expect choirs of angels singing your praises, but if you hand over something worth about $50ish+??, you would hope they would at least acknowledge your generosity.

I have often wondered about the lounge in Hobart, hubbie & me have to make do with Virgin Lounges as we only fly for fun and its too expensive to do the Qantas thing.

I heard it described as a shoebox on another thread which makes me feel a little better. Lounges are evil :evil:, once you get used to them its hard to wait in the normal places

Recently had a morning stop over in Sydney, escaped straight to the virgin lounge for brekkie & bubbly. As soon as we came down the stairs to catch the flight the noise hit us - we had not even noticed how quiet things were. :D

I kinda wish I had seen this earlier - we are doing a trip on 22nd Jan. Ah well probably a good thing. I doubt my budget could handle me getting used to Qantas lounges
Which is the way I've dealt with excess passes previously. People with a hand out looking for a pass without contributing anything are nowhere on my list.

All that said, quite a few years ago, I suspect I was stuffed over by a 'Frequent Flyer' when I gave them something for nothing. Not going to go into the details, but they know what they did and that I worked it out. Will always be remembered.

And thanks again Mal, parents thought the SIN QP was much nicer than the Terminal :mrgreen:
I'm sorry to hear that people arent even being thanked for their generosity. That's appalling.

Could I slightly go "off topic" and suggest if there's those of you flying heaps and heaps collecting J pyjamas and amenities kits etc, then perhaps donating them to a small charity to give away would be something to consider.

At one stage my father was flying so much he was collecting masses of them - and only "needing" about half of them (ie MEL-SIN-LHR he'd wear/use the first sector amenities, and keep the second secotr and re-use the first, giving it to family, friends etc).

He gave one lot to a family friend who happened to be running a small church chairty for struggling single mothers, who simply asked if he a "another one" that she could give away. She ended up giving away quite a lot over a number of years.

Just food for thought - I'm sure most local (small) charities could find use for some of this stuff if you dont want it (or have too many) for yourself/friends/family.

Probably not much help in offloading unwanted QC passes though......:rolleyes:

Postman Pat delivered the passes yesterday:D. My travelling companion and I will make sure we maximise the benefits at the QP on the way home Sunday evening.

As per my PM my sincere thanks.
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