The 'free' Priority Pass offer is misleading. It is NOT free. If you go to and enter the special offer code supplied by Citi with the new Visa card, you find there's an annual fee of US$12, a member visit fee of $27 per visit and a guest visit fee of $27 per visit. So a visit to a Priority Pass lounge with my spouse and 2 teenagers will cost me US$108. A trip to Europe in January, with 4 Priority Pass lounge visits for our little entourage, will cost US$432 - hardly free. It is cheaper (after joining fee) to get a QF Club membership + annual guest card, good for a year, unlimited visits! I called the Priority Pass service centre in Hong Kong on (852) 2866 1964 and queried the charges. The operator stated that Priority Pass does not offer free deals and that the costs of the Citibank Australia deal are as displayed on the website.
I also tried to register for the "complimentary priority pass membership" with the special citibank code and it also advised me of the US$12 annual fee plus no free visits which does not correspond with what citibank says. So I called Citibank and they told me that the website was wrong and it was no longer required to register with Priority pass or to contact them. They said that I would automatically receive a Priority Pass welcome pack within 15 days of my card activation (which was today). Although she sounded confident, I don't have much trust in Citibank, especially when she confirmed my address and it was an address from 5 years ago which has not been used for a long long time (statements, letters, new cards etc have come to my new address for years). When I asked for her to delete the address she said she could not and to call back during business hours to try to have it done.
Has anyone who activated their card 15 days or more ago received a Priority Pass membership in the mail?