At Woolies this morning, a young woman who kept standing near me was coughing a lot. I kept trying to move away from her but you know what it's like when you both arrive at the same time, you're likely to follow the same aisles. Anyway, at the point that I saw her cough, pick up 2 loaves of bread and put them in her trolley then pick them up again and put them back on the shelf I reported her to security.
Security followed her discreetly for a while then spoke to her when she coughed again.
Apparently she told security that she had a certificate to state that her condition is not covid19, and, (this is the kicker), she is a HEALTH CARE WORKER

Sorry humanity but we are doomed

. Even health care workers do not care what they touch and who else they are exposing to their germs, covid19 or not.