Well, an overnight stay has turned into a 3 or 4 night stay. Good thing I had medical insurance when I saw the projected cost, otherwise I may have required resuscitation.
At my initial appt, my surgeon thought it wouldn't be a huge operation, but when he saw me this am ìn ICU he said he had to do a large repair. This afternoon when I was back in my room the anaesthetist came to see me and said the same.
Following the operation and recovery I was back in my room with my wife sitting with me, when she called the nurse because she didn't like the sound of my breathing while I was asleep. The nurse had difficulty in rousing me.
Levels of hierarchy were escalated and the anaesthetist was recalled and me and my entourage were shunted off to ICU.
I was completely out to all this excitement and woke up at 1am feeling a bit wobbly and wondering why I was in a different room.
Anyway I am much better now and have been out of bed and walking several times today, so may be here until Monday if my surgeon so decides.
I may have dodged a bullet here and lucky my wife was with me at the hospital.