After LtL and Cossie’s friends my problems seem very minor

First my good news - latest cholesterol tests
total cholesterol 4.5, HDL 2, LDL 2.2 and trigs .73- amazing what not being totally dehydrated will do
General rheumatological tests came back negative. However CRP and ESR elevated (48 and 83) and bone scan showed inflammation in the joints. Diagnosis is Statin induced PMR and yes it is a thing - apparently there is a study using the WHO database which shows a correlation between statins and PMR. Quite rare and I guess I have a genetic disposition, or my age or something. Most people taking statins would not develop PMR. What is a bit annoying is I don’t need Statins, as I don’t have clogged arteries. Anyway we decided against corticosteroids- I feel I have improved a heap in the last month and I am prepared to put up with a bit of pain and stiffness. Extreme tiredness is annoying, but I am having lots of rest. Am trying to do a bit of Tai Chi again to get strength into the muscles and flexibility to the joints.
Then I have the results of the 1 day Holter monitor. Still have to do a 7 day one and an echo, but things probably won’t change. This all started in February when I had an MRI to see if there were any issues as I had had double vision for a few years and my optician thought it would be a good idea. The MRI didn’t show any tumours, but did show I had had a stroke. My GP followed guidelines and put me on Statins, which then caused all the other problems. What the monitor showed is that my heart isn’t beating properly, (ventricular and atrial ectopic), so basically the blood sloshes around, forms a clot which ends up causing a stroke. Probably going to end up on xarelto but will let the cardiologist make the decision in July. Currently on low dose daily aspirin.