Monday my eyes were playing up; as I made the kid some brekky, I was seeing a chevron of light, as far as I could tell in/across both eyes. Managed to drive her to the bus stop, did a little bit of work, but my eyes didn't like looking at a computer screen, so I went to have a nap. Before I started to sleep, I saw a distinct arc of light from my right eye, and could still see it when I closed my eyes. I ended up taking some nurofen and went to sleep for a bit. I'm not prone to migraines, have had two in my life.
I pretty much stayed in bed for the day, my eyes were definitely sore. Later in the afternoon, I really stubbed my little toe on the edge of our wooden bed. What a klutz. I was already seeing the physio later in the afternoon; he thought it seemed like soft tissue damage, but I popped off to Northside Emergency now that I had a "twofer" of issues.
Apart from the Emergency receptionist forgetting to put me on the list, my trip was fairly uneventful. XRays confirmed soft tissue damage to the toe (48hrs afterwards I was started to get some bruising). Various eye tests, but no dilation as the emergency doc said he wouldn't be able to see much. He was very insistent I get to an ophthalmologist this week, and also get a brain MRI. Pressure readings in my left eye were very high. Right eye was normal. I was advised to go to RBH if any issues that night, as they have an opthal registrar (I think registrar is the right word?) on at all times.
On Tuesday, I managed to really annoy a friend for expressing my bewilderment on FB that if I went to certain QScan locations (Redcliffe or Carindale), the MRI would be bulk billed, but not at the one at my local medical centre. I had no idea of the vagaries of MRI bulk billing, which one of my doctor mates told me about afterwards. Apparently you can really p*$$ someone off if they think you're moaning about paying $300 for an MRI when they've had multiple expensive specialist tests and it's around the time of their anniversary of brain tumour diagnosis.

I guess I'll just keep both feet in my mouth.
Had the MRI yesterday, they found a brain, so that was good news. Emergency doc called me this AM to say nothing worrisome was found.
One of the receptionists at my daughter's former opthal managed to get me in to an appointment early next week. I was very keen to see him after seeing him treat my daughter, including performing eye surgery on her at 13mths. He also did my Mum's and Grandma's cataract surgeries, so I'm the only woman in my direct maternal line he hasn't worked with yet (though hopefully as things seem to be mostly OK at the moment, he won't be operating on me anytime soon).
Hopefully this is all a bit of an overreaction, but we will see.