OK, while our sages are thinking about heart issues:
I had 3 episodes of atrial flutter 5 years ago, cured by 2 x atrial reversions, 1 x extra dose of beta blocker. Only occasional bursts lasting seconds since then. None is past 6+ months; I'm not concerned.
I have a 'minor' blockage of one smaller heart artery ('minimal stenosis' CAD RAD score of 1). On stains and Xeralto as precautions.
But I've had issues with ectopic beats since then. Atrial and ventricular; can't say the proportions. I have a 6 channel 'Kardia' ECG device which I can send readings to my cardiologist if necessary or prior to a particular appointment.
I can get a
lot of ectopics - every second beat over a few minutes, then various numbers on-and-off over hours; a couple of hours later, more. I call them 'swarms'. They bug me, especially when I am trying to sleep, with the 'thump' of the catch-up beat impossible to ignore.
I was on Sotalol beta blocker after the atrial flutter and increased dosages helped with the ectopics. Eventually they 'broke through' that; tried metoprolol but no help; back to Sotalol, then back they came - talking over a year or two so far here. Changed to amiodarone for about 2 months and that stopped the ectopics, at least the ones I noticed. Checked thyroid - OK. Came off the amiodarone (I know it not great to take) and the ectopics held off for about 3 months, then returned. Cardiologist disappointed. Back on Sotalol, stopped the ectopics again. But after several months, back they came.
So I'm back on amiodarone but it hasn't stopped them this time. Not the 'constant' runs but plenty, and often 'heavy'.
Cardiologist said a while back they they don't now of any particular causative agent for increased ectopics, although I see a positive correlation with being tired (in general, or after a particular bad night's sleep) and/or being hot.
SO: I'm not looking for any particular advice here about what to do, but I'm seeing my cardiologist in the new year and we'll be discussing situation. What are some things I can mention, ask about, explore with him? Other therapies? I've heard about an operation to 'cauterise' the extra beat-initiating locii within the heart - is that just for atrial flutter, or possible for ectopics?
And thank you every one for tuning in