Dont remember if I recounted Mrs QS story...
Japan skiing Madarao
On way back to lodge.
I took a shortcut at the last second

Mrs QS followed but fell
# tibia just above the cuff of the ski boot
Luckily the Ski Patrol hut was nearby
They came and scopped her up and banana boat her to the hut
In the hut after assesment, they took the boot off

Then tried to manipulate the broken leg into a large splint by lifting the foot

They gave Mrs QS some crutches and said we call taxi

I arrived when the taxi arrived. They wanted Mrs QS to trudge out into the snow into the Taxi - I think about 25m away
I kicked up a major stink:
I asked for ambulance. After some google translation they agreed
The ambulance came up to Madarao with sirens blaring - apparently that is what they do - sirens are on for ALL ambo jobs

They banana boat her to the ambo and then the Ambo rushed down the hill to the hospital as though Mrs QS had a heart attack
Xray - comminuted (meaning broken in several places) # tibia/fibula
treatment - put leg in plaster case
pain killers during manipulation of leg - panadol

leg in cast - crutches and 10 panadol given to go home

I said cast not correct. After another hour of toing and froing, a young nurse realised what i wanted - the case needed to be split to allow for the inevitable swelling. they though I wanted it cut off (imperfect google translation)
Repatriation home:
TI absolutely hopeless
I had to initiate all interactions with TI
I said need to book QF flight back HND-SYD. We had existing QF flights - same airports and J seats, so i was not trying to scam a higher class - just a different departure date

Basically I told TI that if we departed in 3 days the fares are lower but we have to book the seats NOW. Nothing heard for 24hrs, so I rang them again and said I booked it myself - one way QF J.
JR rail:
Amazing service
Got Mrs QS to Shinkansen station (she was accompanied my Miss QS as well)
A uniformed fellow with white glove rushed out to the car park - he must have noticed her coming up in crutches
Basically escorted her to the particular platform and door. Waited with her until Train arrived
At the next and subsequent stops there was an Attendant waiting to ensure her journey to HND was seamless. Platform change was wheelchair (didn't have to ask)
QF checkin HND:
"Sorry cant take Mrs QS - she has a cast"
But Mrs QS pointed to the split in the cast. OK now. The split was necessary as I said to allow for inevitable swelling on ground and also in the air.
HND lounge:
Lots of Sake
SYD airport:
Wheelchair assistance arranged - but stopped at the glass doors which separated the interior of SYD T1 and the outside.
"I cant wheelchair you to car park" - apparently wheelchairs cant leave the airport precint.

Eventually got attendant to wheelchair Mrs QS upstairs to departures kerbside drop off
Apparently got an earful from the departures kerbside dragons as it was drop off only....
Total painkillers between # and hospital admission:
Nurofen ( which i found at a pharmac_)
Lots of wine
Lots of sake
NO morphine or other opiates given for leg manipulation

First dose of morphine was 4 days after the #, when back in Sydney....
The Japanese do not like narcotics....