So it would seem my sister has had another lucky escape. She has been having headaches for quite a few years and now balance problems, doctors have been saying get over it, everyone gets headaches.
A few months ago she was down here and her and swmbo went for walk, my sister came back with her face covered in blood. She tripped.
Anyway off to the hospital, cleaned her up, no permanent damage but was told to get an MRI back in Sydney.
Did that, seems she has a brain cyst, probably since birth. Normally they drain themselves, apparently, sometimes, however, like this case they don't.
Had it drained a couple of weeks ago and it's benign and so far all seems good. If she hadn't fallen over she wouldn't have had an MRI.
Quite a few years ago she went into have a hysterectomy, when she was seen by the surgeon after, he said that she should have a glass of champagne.
He had discovered an ovarian cyst, so the ovaries were removed as well. A specimen was sent off to the States as it was so unusual.
She was told that women that had this cancer had about a 45% chance of survival after 5 years. Again, very lucky.