HELP debt repayment - which VISA or amex to give 1 point per $

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May 28, 2014
Hi guys, please put in correct forum if this is wrong (I suspect so!).

Got a HELP debt to pay off - which card do you guys know gets at least 1 point/$ for this?

I've got a plat edge + citibank signature.

Many thanks in advance
Hit the search button there are plenty of options.

While a HELP debt is a bit different.... for anyone with real debt I would stay away from points earning cards and go with the lowest cost available cards.
While a HELP debt is a bit different.... for anyone with real debt I would stay away from points earning cards and go with the lowest cost available cards.
Depending what the "debt" is. I'm in the same situation; have been doing compulsory repayments through tax so I can have the money sit in my mortgage offset account instead for a while but this year will knock out the last nearly $10k of HECS debt; might as well do a payment before tax time to get the 5% bonus. So I'm in the market for the best card to earn points doing so (my current Amex Plat Edge, Citi sig and BW Zero aren't going to help)
Maybe consider a card with zero interest on purchases for next 12 months so you get your bonuses and get another 12 months with $$ in your mortgage.

NAB has an offering 12 months internet free on balance transfers and purchases on their low rate card. No points but might be worth it if you're not after points.
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