Hertz LHR are hopeless, hopeless, hopeless. I will never, EVER rent a car from them again. The last two times, our booked car was unavailable and they wanted us to take a lesser category compact at the same price I'd booked! (an intermediate SUV). The most recent time they forced an electric Polestar on me as a substitute for a 5 hour stopover. When I turned the car on, it said battery life was 50%. The desk rep said if I didn't fully charge it before return, Hertz would charge me a 50 UK pound recharge fee.
They are just horrible, rude and unhelpful. I rather rent from Guido's Pizza Delivery and Car Rental than Hertz. When I put a complaint through UK Resolve they pushed back saying everything was done in accordance with their policies and values. I was offered 350 points as compensation. Forget it. Rant complete.