Can't say I'm surprised this happened...
Etihad recently changed their policy, such that F & J award bookings made after April 1st are no longer eligible for chauffeur service.
A reward booking I made back in February on Etihad (J) was - re-ticketed at the start of April... same dates, same departure/arrival time, same flight number...
but now of course, I get the following message on Etihad's website:
Not eligible
Complimentary Etihad Chauffeur service is not available

They tried this on me when they change the flight by 5mins and I went via their FB page, pointing out that they change the booking, not me so I still expected (and received) the service but read my notes below.
I flew SYD-AUH-EDI return with EY in J so mini flight trip report.
Because of all that ive read, I expected a demoralized crew and bad experience and found it was good. Not earth shattering fantastic but overall, I found the crew were prompt, helpful and attentive and the food good. The experience wasnt worth 100% of the paying ticket price (I would fly SQ if I was paying) but as they were reward seats, I was very happy and not once left annoyed with the flight or staff.
Flights. Full J cabin, early boarding protected for first on board (after kids/people needing extra time). Crew happy to explain seat functions, FAs introduced themselves, pre departure drink choices available (liked the lemon lime one) and food on demand was good and I didnt find it annoying while sleeping that others (inc my husband) was being served. I thought the AUH-EDI crew was outstanding.
One flight we landed at an outpost somewhere so was bused in and J had their own bus and it seemed nicer than the Y buses waiting. Everyone had a seat and no one standing. You could honestly swing a dead stuffed cat in the space of the J bus we had. Man at the bus door protecting the bus for J pax only.
Re: Chauffeur service. Our tickets were booked so long ago we still got this service and to be honest, I will happily pay to stick to my own driver in future.
No email confirmation so we were left to the day wondering if one was going to show up (we live in the burbs) and a Uber backup plan if they didnt show up, which I found stressful. Driver took avoiding Sydney tolls as a challenge so we took much longer time to get to/from the airport than needed. On our airport to home trip, we would have been half way home if he paid the ED toll by the time he actually hit the harbor bridge!
Big negatives. No PJs and no mattress for the seat. I spied a empty seat on take off and grabbed their blanket and pillow soon after to pad my seat around the foot area a bit. No amenity kit for day flight is another neg but their amenity kits has got to be one of the worst out there, so much preprinted rubbish inside, give us some mouthwash instead.