How to totally waste 60,000 points in 21 hours!!

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Princess Fiona

May 22, 2009
Platinum 1
Star Alliance
Flew QF 107 SYD-JFK 9th april. Booked in J ( good seat upper deck). Decided to try for an upgrade, and was successful, seat 2A. Wished I hadn't bothered. Flight over an hour late due to AVOD malfunction. Problem not fixed and stuck watching same movies on multiple channels with no pause function all at different stages of film. I fell asleep on the LAX-JFK route and hosties neglected to leave me a water bottle. When awake I travelled to galley to ask for same "madam we only carry one bottle per passenger". I wonder who drank mine?? Return leg on QF108 17th April seat 17K, much better experience. Have only flown in 1st (once) with BA before and received much better service and comfort.
Is this a common experience or have I been unlucky?? Should I write to Qantas requesting redress of points used??
The lack of IFE would have been the same in business class and on the 5 hours LAX-JFK , if the only problem was the lack of a bottle of water, I don't see grounds for a refund of points

I suspect that they had other drinks onboard
Ask early for the water bottle.

Flight attendant can then do endless bottle refills or glasses of water with ice but yes there are no new sealed bottles later on in a flight.
Flew QF 107 SYD-JFK 9th april. Booked in J ( good seat upper deck). Decided to try for an upgrade, and was successful, seat 2A. Wished I hadn't bothered. Flight over an hour late due to AVOD malfunction. Problem not fixed and stuck watching same movies on multiple channels with no pause function all at different stages of film. I fell asleep on the LAX-JFK route and hosties neglected to leave me a water bottle. When awake I travelled to galley to ask for same "madam we only carry one bottle per passenger". I wonder who drank mine?? Return leg on QF108 17th April seat 17K, much better experience. Have only flown in 1st (once) with BA before and received much better service and comfort.
Is this a common experience or have I been unlucky?? Should I write to Qantas requesting redress of points used??

So... You got the F bed with trimmings on a 13.5 hour flight, the F pj's, F catering (other than a bottle of water), F amenities (other than the IFE) and bathrooms, F priority luggage, priority boarding/deplaning, plus the divine quiet of rows 1-4, and you want a refund why? :shock:
It's worth a shot, lol.

I guess so, but I mean, really... In F it's only as difficult as:
1. Press button and summon FA;
2. Ask for glass of water;
3. Drink water;
4. Hand glass back to FA or pop it somewhere in your abundant space.

These four steps require less effort than walking to the galley, and considerably less effort than writing a complaint which will result in compensation of exactly zero.

IFE failure? They might give you a voucher. For a ticket that would usually cost upwards of AU$10K. Seems a little pointless. My iPod would just have gotten more of a workout than usual.
I'm with NYCGuy on this, one would expect in F even if they didn't have any bottles of water left, they would be more than happy to keep you hydrated with water from the tap. And they will probably fill up your glass as many times as you like...

Complaining may get you an apology and a $100 voucher because of lack of IFE, but I doubt you'd be anything more...
Apart from what the others have had to say re really having NO excuse (or such little cause) for complaining - sorry, but it seems that your nick is rather appropriate in this particular case!
When awake I travelled to galley to ask for same "madam we only carry one bottle per passenger". I wonder who drank mine??

Something doesn't seem quite right about this, when I flew SIN-SYD recently in Y, not only did they give everyone a bottle of water when we got on the plane, we then got a 2nd bottle after taking off, I then even asked for a 3rd one later in the flight, all in Y. :)
I guess so, but I mean, really... In F it's only as difficult as:
1. Press button and summon FA;
2. Ask for glass of water;
3. Drink water;
4. Hand glass back to FA or pop it somewhere in your abundant space.

These four steps require less effort than walking to the galley, and considerably less effort than writing a complaint which will result in compensation of exactly zero.

IFE failure? They might give you a voucher. For a ticket that would usually cost upwards of AU$10K. Seems a little pointless. My iPod would just have gotten more
of a workout than usual.

Thanks for the help with the refreshments. I would like to know if my limited experience in F is common. As WP I already have access to check in, luggage, F lounge etc. The walk to the galley was after my call button was ignored.
I don't want any financial compensation from Qantas, but my points were wasted on this particular upgrade. I would like to know if this was a one off or should I just stay back in J and save my points for domestic upgrades?
Princess Fiona,

I'll answer your questions as asked and without offering a lecture.

Is this a common experience or have I been unlucky??
You have been unlucky :!:

Should I write to Qantas requesting redress of points used??
The only real grounds probably is the IFE and they have in the past been generous in these situations so a politely worded letter MAY be of benefit and you MAY get some compensation.
You have been unlucky :!:

The only real grounds probably is the IFE and they have in the past been generous in these situations so a politely worded letter MAY be of benefit and you MAY get some compensation.

I agree, you were unlucky. Unfortunately not all cabin crew are consistent - most who work in F are exceptional (that's why the airline lets them loose on the highest-paying customers), but occasionally one runs across a bit of a dud.

By all means write a letter of complaint about the IFE and get a $100/$200 voucher, but only if you think it's really worth the effort.

This brings me to another point - and I'm not addressing this to you specifically, Princess, but to the readership in general. The entire 'compensation' thing seems to be rather out of hand these days, and it's much more evident on FT than it is here. Little annoyances that were once accepted or laughed-off as being part of the travel experience are now considered heinously negligent omissions that require the firing off of vitriolic letters to senior executives, demanding money or points as redress. Does paying a fortune (in cash or points) to fly in a premium seat entitle the passenger to a flawless experience? It's certainly what good airlines shoot for, but ultimately the organisation is run by humans, and we are none of us perfect.
The entire 'compensation' thing seems to be rather out of hand these days, and it's much more evident on FT than it is here. Little annoyances that were once accepted or laughed-off as being part of the travel experience are now considered heinously negligent omissions that require the firing off of vitriolic letters to senior executives, demanding money or points as redress. Does paying a fortune (in cash or points) to fly in a premium seat entitle the passenger to a flawless experience? It's certainly what good airlines shoot for, but ultimately the organisation is run by humans, and we are none of us perfect.

The issue is that pax choose to travel a "premium" carrier and thus a % of the fare paid (small or otherwise) is to pay for things like: IFE, better service. If not, then why pay the extra to travel QF or DJ (or UA, or AA, or BA or whomever) when you could travel Air Asia or Tiger? And thus, if the "premium" product is not up to standard (faulty IFE, FAs not answering calls (in F!) etc, then surely there should be a consideration of some of the premium that's been paid being refunded.
... If the "premium" product is not up to standard (faulty IFE, FAs not answering calls (in F!) etc, then surely there should be a consideration of some of the premium that's been paid being refunded.

IFE was presumably not working in the other 3 classes, either. It's just one of those things that happen, and it's not worth being cranky and hypertensive about it for the entire flight, let alone ruminating about it for days or weeks after the trip is over.

I have never, ever had an FA call ignored in F, not even on flights with the darkest, stormiest, least accommodating United FA's who have ever flown. If I had, I probably would have just moseyed up to the galley. I would then have put it down to a case of "I never did mind the little things". When you fly enough, things are occasionally less than perfect. It's the nature of the beast.
As usual I am going against the general trend and supportng Princess Fiona in this experience. A "full service" carrier is not allowed to get anything wrong in flight especially premium cabins and rogue crew members should be reprimanded, if not even demoted. I would ask for (and not be embarassed) compensation and not feel in slightest little bit guilty.

IFE was presumably not working in the other 3 classes, either. It's just one of those things that happen, and it's not worth being cranky and hypertensive about it for the entire flight, let alone ruminating about it for days or weeks after the trip is over.
NYCguy, I generally agree with most things you say but as far as I am concerned the IFE is included as part of the ticket price, again, in any cabin. If IFE is not working then QF should provide compensation to everyone that did not receive this service.

I am still a little slow and yet to provide QF with appropriate feedback for what I believe was the worst ever flight I experienced and supposedly a trip of a lifetime with my father travelling with me overseas for the first time.
From what I can gather, it was not so much that the IFE wasn't working but had fallen back from AVOD to the loop system. (same movies on multiple channels, no pause feature - all hallmarks of what I have seen when the AVOD is not working, but there is an IFE of sorts)
I've lost count the number of times IFE has gone down or not been working on QF.

If I knew I could ask for $100 voucher in compensation, I would have complained a lot more!;)

But seriously, it's one of the things that can go wrong when travelling and to be honest - I'd rather it was the IFE that malfunctioned and not something rather important: an engine or two maybe?;) (You can always sleep or read a book - IFE isn't the be all and end all of choosing who to fly with.)

Certainly not what I would describe as a welcoming experience to F class, but I think expecting a redress of points is very optimistic. The number of times I've been stuck with surly J class FAs beggars belief (added to that *no* IFE on many occasions) - I've since learned to roll with it.

Life's too short; I'd certainly write a letter if it is still galling you, but wouldn't expect much in return.
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I've never gotten a successful upgrade using my QFF points. However, I once upgraded on SQ from Y to J, FRA-SIN. IFE wasn't working, and I did get a $50 voucher, only valid for Inflight Duty Free on SQ. Of course, I would say the upgrade was still worth the points that I spent. I'd probably still say it was worth it if I was upgrading from J to F.

Can't hurt to write to a letter. Maybe you'll get something. Maybe you won't. Don't expect too much though. At least the QANTAS voucher will be redeemable in a few more places.
A "full service" carrier is not allowed to get anything wrong in flight especially premium cabins and rogue crew members should be reprimanded, if not even demoted. I would ask for (and not be embarassed) compensation and not feel in slightest little bit guilty.

Should it be so then that humans should be perfect as a minimum? Let us severely punish or slap around the head those who make mistakes, no matter how minor. :rolleyes: Wow...I'm liking this new society already.... (short version: dumb statement and hypocritical)

Mistakes are there to be pointed out because we can always do better, not because perfection is a minimum benchmark. And there is a minimum service level expected of cabin crew - agreed - and it must be met.

But this all detracts from the OP's question - a gimpy IFE and a lapse in the service with respect to the water bottles. For the IFE, I'd probably register a complaint because that aircraft is expected to have AVOD, not loopback IFE. Even if the engineers spent 2 hours (ha!) on it and couldn't get it going - tough. Yes these things do break down; too bad it broke down at the wrong time (just like crashes of aircraft around the world, it's unfortunate that that engine had to fail just then or that pilot chose the wrong day to lapse concentration and line up on the wrong runway - we will blame them all the same, however, because our society functions like that). Whether this is something that QF should proactively compensate is a whole different issue (and I believe it has been done before), but it probably wouldn't hurt to write in if you want something back from them.

As for the water bottle issue - yes a lapse in service but in my view that is minor. You may view it as major; perhaps you'd like to tack it on the same letter as the IFE complaint. Going to the galley and asking for some water is a minor annoyance but not much more. Now ignoring the call bell is something I might tack on as another complaint; this one with slightly more weight.

Apart from that, the rest of the OP's post suggests that the rest of F service was delivered. That doesn't suggest that a complete refund of points is due. Had the service been so bad, yes there would be grounds (you'd need a lot of major faults, e.g. seat awful, cabin crew very rude, no food loaded, or not enough food loaded, IFE completely inoperational, no amenity kits, etc. etc.). It is unlucky when faults occur but to get a full refund of points in my opinion you'd need a lot to be wrong (a full refund implies a near full loss of delivery of service); but you can write in to QF applying for compensation for the faulty components, if you wish.

I am still a little slow and yet to provide QF with appropriate feedback for what I believe was the worst ever flight I experienced and supposedly a trip of a lifetime with my father travelling with me overseas for the first time.

More like very slow - your argument holds a lot less credence the longer you lodge the complaint from the time that it happened, because it's harder to dig back and do the accountability matching. That someone who complains extremely bitterly about something and do not tell those responsible is also a mistake.
IFE was presumably not working in the other 3 classes, either. It's just one of those things that happen, and it's not worth being cranky and hypertensive about it for the entire flight, let alone ruminating about it for days or weeks after the trip is over.

I have never, ever had an FA call ignored in F, not even on flights with the darkest, stormiest, least accommodating United FA's who have ever flown. If I had, I probably would have just moseyed up to the galley. I would then have put it down to a case of "I never did mind the little things". When you fly enough, things are occasionally less than perfect. It's the nature of the beast.

Whilst I agree with you, far better things in life to worry about, (and hey, i'm usually in Y :shock:), playing devil's advocate, my point still stands, be it a premium paid in F, J, Y+ or Y, that premium was paid for a more premium service quality.

Maybe by making the OP walk to the galley, the FAs were ensuring the OP didnt get a DVT??:rolleyes:

Given the legacy carriers make a song and dance about service and in-flight entertainment (as part of their point of difference), it is not unreasonable to expect them to deliver on said offering.

How hard one chooses to pursue the carrier when they fail to live up to the user's expectation, well, each to their own.
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