So I am a very lowly Bronze with very minimal points….need to fly to London end Nov for meetings early December, so figured leave late Nov do some Xmas shopping and catch up with my bestie would be a useful use of my time. Thought I would just see if I could find any availabilty. Hiding in plain sight was a classic first class rewards on Emirates for the 26th of November. Needless to say I grabbed that as a one way trip so fast I think I set my keyboard on fire. Coupled with some points and pay to do some of the fees, I ended up paying just on $1000.
I know for many of you it’s probably nothing, but for me it’s literally a once in a lifetime I intend to enjoy every single minute of it.
I know for many of you it’s probably nothing, but for me it’s literally a once in a lifetime I intend to enjoy every single minute of it.