If you were vaccinated outside of Australia, you must obtain a certificate from the government of the country you were vaccinated in or the recognised vaccine provider.
Your vaccination certificate must have been issued by a national or state/provincial-level authority or an accredited vaccination provider. Paper and digital certificates are equally acceptable.
Your certificate must be in English. A certificate is also acceptable if it is written in multiple languages and one of those languages is English.
Your certificate must show, at a minimum:
- your name as it appears in your passport
- either your date of birth or your passport number
- the vaccine brand name, and
- either the date you got each dose or the date on which you completed a full course of immunisation.
If your vaccination certificate doesn't meet all these requirements, you won’t qualify as a fully vaccinated traveller.
Keep a hard copy or an electronic copy of your Vaccination Certificate. Airlines will check this when you check-in to your flight.