Not good. Pity others haven't quite got the user experience as right as Dropbox had, but now is the prime opportunity for them to step in and clean up, because I suspect the fallout from this is not going to be pretty. Certainly reinforces what Mal said.
Ouch. And this was reported ... Many security bugs are silently fixed in the background without any information passed to customers...
Quite simply, storing data in the cloud is not palatable for many organisations. I don't care what people say about "Oh, users want the power. They demand access, IT shouldn't be restricting them. It's old school to block access to data" etc. Quite simply, knives have warnings that they have sharp edges, hairdryers warn you not to put in the bath, clothes dryers have warnings about not putting petrol soaked clothes in etc etc etc. Users are not ready to be given certain rights. IT can only prevent some stupidity from users, and securing the litany of non-corporate devices is only getting harder and harder.
PS, I have *yet another* meeting tomorrow regarding Ipad security and how do we make them secure. Why do I bother? We've been over the same security issues with iOS multiple times, and can only implement insecure access to the network. Apple need to learn a huge amount about what corporates want (and no, not the Bling Bling CEOs and other head honchos who are attracted to shiny), but what the poor IT sods need Apple to do to get things more secure at the network level).