In the spirit of n7of 9, I'm here cap in hand, asking for your assistance please.This for sure. I think new members underestimate how much we love to look up flights and routes and costs. from: n7of9
I've been searching for months all over the internet and on here trying to find something suitable, to no avail.
Here's what I'm needing:
under 7k
ex Bne
into Dublin and ex Manchester or Edinburgh (trying to avoid London town!) or any combination of these.
stopover ok
mixed class ok (via Asia??)
2 month stay - need to be back in Bne by early August 2025 (preferred dates - ex Bne late May arrive back into Bne late July)
Here's the kicker - I've got some health issthews. Need to travel with my own oxygen pump and require gluten free meal.
Not keen on 2nd tier airlines due to the oxygen thing, I'm thinking they're going to be a pain in the neck about it. GF meal should be ok with all airlines.
Really need to lie flat for long haul and trying to avoid lots of on/off at lots of airports.
Hope I haven't missed anything.
So I'm throwing down the gauntlet / offering up a challenge (so to speak) to those of you who do love this stuff and have the time and motivation.
Mr brrmmm and I just retired, haven't holidayed for about 13 years.
Cheers !!
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