Despite the drama later on the day began well.A lovely QLD autumn morning and an on time departure by Limo for BNE.Easy trip-just an hour to pulling up at BNE.Friendly QF agent on the premium checkin and also at their security.Though msdrron kept up her near perfect record of secondary screening.Quiet time in the J lounge catching up on the papers.
BNE-SYD. QF 517. ETD-1005. ETA-1140. B738. Seats 2A,C.
Push back-1001.Take off-1006. Landed-1116. At gate 1129.
Good crew.Very good and friendly service from Joseph.Nice views of southern Moreton Bay and farmlands.

Brekkie served.Not a great omelette with tomato,mushrooms watery bacon and spinach.

Then basically cloud until we reached the Hunter Valley and the coal mines.



My old stomping ground.Used to visit Singleton and went to the Ravensworth mines to do work and Super medicals so the fellows didn'y have to travel.
Then the Lower Hunter where I worked at Maitland,Kurri Kurri and Cessnock hospitals.



So in the centre of the middle picture is Pulbah Island in Lake Macquarie where I helped in seeing what animals existed plus tagging the koala population.They were going to reintroduce a species of rock wallaby from New Zealand where they had been taken.It was thought they had disappeared in Australia but of course just before the relocation a healthy population was discovered in western NSW.
And I couldn't resist taking a shot of a coal powered station in the last picture.
More places that featured in my younger days.


The Entrance where my brother set up busines.But in the first 5 years of my life we used to holiday at Budgewoi.
Then Palm Beach.When I was young I used to stay with an aunt who had a caravan on the isthmus.With my sister we made a fair bit of money collecting empty bottles and getting the deposit back.
On to SYD next.