Now google maps showed that on the most direct route to NRT the peony farm was just a 3KM detour.The GPS refused to show that route.Turns out because there was a new freeway.Passed this building along the way.



Coming off the freeway google had you turning on to route 19.Problem was there were 4 route 19s and naturally the 4th I chose was the correct one.
Found where the peony farm should have been but sadly no sign of it-and I used their website instructions on how to get there.
So off to the Aeon mall for a sushi lunch.All decorated.

Sushi was standard but they did have small squid which were excellent.

Dropped mrsdrron and the bags off at the CP.Had to fill the car.Now you would think the service station nearest NRT might have languages other than Japanese.The problem is they all have different methods of payment And I hadn't used an Eonos station before.Fortunately it is easy for me to just stand and look stupid so soon it was all done for me.
Then dropped the car back to Toyota.Used $30 of petrol and $90 in tolls!
An easy walk back to the CP where we had the same room as a few days before.The checkin agent said no king rooms available so would you mind taking the room you had last time.A suite so a quick yes.
Dinner was a shared pizza in their restaurant with our free drinks.