Day 6
This day is dedicated to the peace memorial park tour, starting with the famous A-bomb Dome. The bomb exploded almost directly above the building and yet it's one of the very few structures that survived the explosion. While the city was being rebuild, the government decided to keep this building as a permanent reminder of that terrible day.
Unfortunately it's currently under renovation to keep it from falling apart so couldn't take a good photo.

Children's Peace Monument.

Bell of Peace.

Cenotaph for the victims.

Through it can see the eternal flame that will keep burning until the last atomic bomb in the world is destroyed.
Model of the A-bomb used for Hiroshima.

The Peace Memorial Museum is a must visit, regardless of anyone's views about the use of the atomic bomb, it's important to see the amount of destruction it brought upon the city and it's residents. Out of 350,000 people who lived in Hiroshima on that day about 140,000 lost their lives, including Chinese, Korean who were brought as slaves from the peninsula (1 out of 10 people who died was Korean) and American prisoners.
It was good too see the relative objectivity presented by the Japanese. They basically say: we chose the path of war for many years, then we attacked the US and when the tide was turned against us we paid the price so we decided to change our ways and turn to peace.