To bail out private businesses?
Isn’t it time we did away the notion that an Australian government taking an action to support VA in some manner would be doing so just “to bail out” a private business? That has little to do with it.
They would do so to primarily to avoid monopoly rents putting a brake on an economic recovery - in terms of both a business input cost and something that may be very important in stimulating or dampening domestic tourism.
Now they could also do this by regulating a monopoly (if QF were to remain the sole mainline player). but that can be difficult to do, although forced divestiture of JQ could be an option.
It’s difficult to tell right now what the post-COVID world will look like - demand could be well and truly stuffed as businesses learn to optimise video and teleconferencing, thus eliminating the need for travel and tourists may not be comfortable with the travel risks, even domestically. So in face of such reduced demand, it may we’ll be the right thing to let VA cease to be. But until that picture is clearer, a marking time approach is at least worth considering.