It is hilarious that the QF apologists on this thread think there was some problem of people trying to check in past the deadline, presumably causing flights to be delayed, when on time performance is currently the worst it has ever been. If this new policy of complete inflexibility is supposed to be improving on time performance, it is having precisely the opposite effect LOL.
At the risk of being labeled a QF apologist (I've been called worse

) it's not about what the current OTP is.. and in fact to my way of thinking you kind of refute your own point in a way - because a late arriving pax can possibly make OTP of their flight worse - thus adding to overall OTP being in the toilet. Airlines aim for a good OTP which is why thy have these deadlines in place to ensure all the bags are at the gate ready to be loaded in a timely manner for the bag handlers to actually do the work.
Also linking a deadline for check in/bag drop to ongoing poor OTP is a bit of a stretch imo. The deadlines have been in place for quite some time before OTP went in the toilet, and that is affected by so many factors currently such as staffing shortages, issues with outsourced workforces(ie bag loaders) apparently not having the experience and skills in some cases AND not being enough of them to cover departures, specially at peak times. None of this is related to a check in deadline surely?
The check in deadline isn't MAKING OTP worse - how can it be? I don't really follow the logic as to how this could be "having precisely the opposite effect." - however expecting a deadline to be waived (and I do support common sense discretion here where it makes sense/is practical to apply) will possibly add to the problem.
And remember it's not ONLY about getting the bag to the plane (which will take time to navigate the bag system, being scanned and routed(hopefully correctly!) to the correct gate etc.. but it's also about the pax getting through security and to the gate. It might be great if the bag got to the plane at say T-20 and could be loaded, but what if the customer is stuck in a 15-20 minute security line? Not uncommon at MEL/SYD during peak times.
I would make these comments in relation to any airline. It's actually got nothing specific to do with QF. We know JQ has the same policy. VA and all the others do too. I'm not sure how it is being an "apologist" for supporting a reasonable deadline for check in/bag drop for any flight.
When you switch from an in-person agent who can assist you to the best of their ability to an offshore call centre that can't even comprehend the nature of your call, that is a degradation of service. I do understand it can be hard to face basic facts.
Absolutely. This is abysmal.