I've been on the phone with LH today about to book another F fare to Europe via the US on UA/LH. They are telling me that they no longer have that fare and that the new price would be $16.000 instead of $8900 which I paid earlier this year :evil:
Has anyone recently booked this fare to Europe? Is it still available somewhere? Looks like now my only option in F for under $10k would be Ethiad...but not 6x *Aliance points for the flight (to my BMI account) ...
Does anyone know of any other *A option for around $10k to Europe? I actually need to stop in the US, so I guess really only UA/LH or UA/LX will be my option.
Has anyone recently booked this fare to Europe? Is it still available somewhere? Looks like now my only option in F for under $10k would be Ethiad...but not 6x *Aliance points for the flight (to my BMI account) ...
Does anyone know of any other *A option for around $10k to Europe? I actually need to stop in the US, so I guess really only UA/LH or UA/LX will be my option.