I arrived home about four weeks ago after six weeks in S America, and with just over six weeks before departing on a 17-week DONE4 which includes far E Russia.
Before I went, I had printed all the information for getting a Russian visa and I had ready the last 30 countries visited with dates (down to day/month/year of entry, as anyone who has had a Russian visa will know

) so I was all set to go as top priority the morning after I returned.
Fill out the online form, submit it, print it, down to the Post Office to get the required fresh photo, buy the required $120 money order to pay for it, the express bag to send it, and the self-addressed express bag for them to send everything back. Post it Thursday; tracked as received by the Russian embassy Monday morning. OK, looks sweet. My previous experience last year was that they will take every one of the specified 10 working days to process it.
Next thing I know, the following Friday, is an Australia Post alert that my self-addressed express bag was on its way back to me. Bag arrives, open it and all that is inside is my $120 money order. No explanation of why they had sent it back and it's 1630h WST Friday. Errr, what's going on?
Get onto the Russian visa website only to find, gaaahhh, that they changed their system while I was away

. Applications are no longer sent to the embassy, but rather to a new agency they've set up - at a separate address. Also, pre-payment is not required. They handle all that by emailing an invoice when the visa is ready and you pay by bank transfer - and, BTW, adding an extra $103 for the processing.
Three weeks go by and nothing heard. Start to worry - have they lost my PP and application between the embassy and the new visa centre?
Do you think they will answer emails or repeated calls to the phone number they give on the new website? NFW

. Phone goes through to a voicemail box - that is full and can't accept any messages

Getting more and more nervous and no way of getting any reassurance that it was OK.
But today, four weeks and one day after my application was delivered to the embassy, I finally get an emailed invoice

. Visa granted, pay up by Friday and you'll get it sent to you.
Palpable relief, I can tell you!