BNE domestic, before the QF Premium entry opened. Sat afternoon, flying down to Sydney for an AFF dinner, IIRC.
I was asked about the small aerosol in my carryon. I explained to the male security officer that it was anti-static spray, and that I'd spray it on over my stockings and my dress wouldn't get staticy.
He confiscated it as I "wouldn't be spraying the spray directly on my body".

I chose not to argue, but over the years I've found BNE domestic security to just have a thing about aerosols in carry on.
JFK, domestic flight, 1999
Security see an odd, blank cubic shape in my carryon. Want to inspect.
I show them a wrapped Tiffany and Co gift (my first trip to NYC, so I bought my Mum a crystal Tiffany box). They want to open it, as clearly the crystal is throwing up some interesting images, or lack thereof. I refuse because of the "Tiffany bow". I can't remember what happened, but the parcel went unopened until I got home to Mum. A couple of years later that would not have been possible.
The Child
LAX T5 security after either a day at Disney or arriving from Australia and transferring to an AA flight.
The child had a Cabbage Patch doll that looked very strange through the scanner. The darn thing had a mechanism whereby you fed it rectangular plastic "food", and then you pulled the food out of a hole in its tummy, and fed it to it again. Once we explained, TSA let it go through. Some time later, the child fed the doll Nutri Grain. That didn't go so well.
2018 CDG
Some kind of liquid is picked up in our carry on - what the?! Turns out it was in the kid's backpack ... a bottle of tomato sauce bought in Amsterdam 10 days earlier. I had been wondering where it was.
This was the trip I learned the kid is no longer cute enough to get away with things like this. Or maybe it was CDG security.
2008 LHR
First international trip with the kid, who's 18mths old. T5 about to fly to CDG. We have baby food bottles in our carryon in case it's needed. Security officer tells me he wants me to open the bottles, taste it in front of him. I said if I did that, I'd have to throw them all out, as they're meant to be consumed or refrigerated after opening. I couldn't be the first parent/carer taking baby food through security??!!
Officious so-and-so let us go through with them intact.
As a contrast, one of our last flights was from Venice -as we got to security, we realised we had something like a 1.5L water bottle. We try to drink what we can before going through. One of the agents sees us, sees the kid, and says "it's for the bambina, it's OK". What a contrast!!