“So I think we’re about six to seven months from getting the quality back to where it needs to be, and then it’ll just be about convincing people that it is there,” Bellew continues, “educating people on the change that’s happened and spreading the gospel around that.”
Bellew isn’t shying away from the impact of the twin disasters of flight MH17 – shot down by a Russian-made missile over eastern Ukraine in July 2014 – and MH370, which disappeared in March 2014 on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing and has yet to be recovered.
“I’ve no doubt there are many people who have a negative perception of us because of what happened, but I believe the brand has recovered very well in pretty much all marketplaces,” Bellew suggests.
“You don’t get load factors of over 80% if there’s something wrong with your brand, and in the month of December we hit a network-wide factor of 90%.”
“That was the highest load factor of any full service carrier in the world last December, so there is nothing wrong with the brand, the brand is strong… and the numbers don’t lie, the bookings are there right now, the business has increased, so people are getting it.”