JB007 how did you go with your upgrades?
I'm trying to get my TA who I booked the tickets through to upgrade for me but they are unresponsive!!
I hate TA's, the only reason I used one for this is because the wife had a voucher for flight centre that we had to use.
When I log into my trip>itinerary>change flights i see the four flights I have for my USA trip. When i check the boxes next to the flights and select first/business as the class, it doesnt allow me to select first/business on the same flights i have, but it does allow me select them on different flight numbers e.g. NYC to LAS instead of the 5.55, which is the one i have booked, I can change my flight to the 4.15 in business class c.
Is there anyway I can get class P, I or any other YUP fares without my travel agent??
Edit: It doesnt even let me do the above on my booking, I mistakingly was in my brother's booking when I tried this. He bought his tickets directly from Delta. However I still cant select P or I class on his when I select change flights...
Sounds like we may have the same travel agent...
I also hate them, mainly because they never seem to have the knowledge that I need them to have and I can generally get better information from my own sources. We only used it because we had intended to setup a Gift Registry but that also turned out to be part of incorrect information that they gave us.
I am still waiting on an answer from 3 weeks ago about changing flights due to a Delta change which means we now have a 1hr 40min connection at LAX before our JFK flight. As the next flight isn't till 3 hours later and gets us into JFK at 9:00pm, I don't want to risk missing our scheduled flight. We are trying to get changed to the VA flight from Brisbane which gets in earlier and gives more breathing space. The flight does have a DL number so it shouldn't be a problem but we have paid for Economy Comfort and our TA doesn't seem to know how to handle it.
I haven't tried the upgrade yet, when I click on Change Seats it only tells me to contact the Guest Reservation Centre. I think this is because I have some Virgin Australia flights as part of the trip. I have checked my tickets with more detail now and we have 4 flights in K class, 1 in U and 4 in Q class. So with cityflyers advice above, hopefully it will still allow me to get P class on a couple of flights.
I am thinking of skipping the TA all together and just calling the local Delta number and seeing what they have to say. It couldn't be any worse than what I get at the moment. Will let you know how I go.