Not Aiming for Lifetime Gold

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Junior Member
Jun 13, 2024
Well, what a load of chestbeating! Congrats anyway if that's what floats your boat. I've been a QFF member since inception and not remotely close to life time gold, though did make silver for a time [I hate all this use of abbreviation & codes] yet I've rarely paid for flights for nearly 30 years, as well as using my points to enable others to fly. Never had the time to get to the airport hours early just to drink some fizzy either, but along the way was inaugurated into Etihad Gold which was a lot less onerous than Qantas, as was Skywards on Emirates. Frankly I'm over qantas and am gradually moving away to Star Alliance & Velocity. Fed up with the continual devaluation of points value by a variety of means including status credits and coughty transfer values etc etc - talk about price gouging a group of people that were once considered valued customers - all brought on by qantas hunger for $$$'s selling points to corporations - a bigger earner than actually flying. I guess I shouldn't whinge too much as it has been good over the years, but latest gripe is an upcoming trip to Bali from Brisbane. Flights booked via Qantas website but direct flights difficult. For the pleasure of being shunted via Sydney or melbourne for hours on end they want more points and higher taxes. Managed eventually direct outbound and via Cairns on return only to find that seats are not included anymore - $66 bucks extra. no way qantas - I'm gonza
If you’re travelling international (on OW airlines), there’s a big difference in experience - on some airlines/ports.

If you’re naturally getting WP each year based on normal travel, that’s less than 3 yrs SC to lock in LTG.

But I still personally pursue WP (even as LTG) - I find it’s not that hard when leveraging many tips here on AFF.
Well, what a load of chestbeating! Congrats anyway if that's what floats your boat. I've been a QFF member since inception and not remotely close to life time gold, though did make silver for a time [I hate all this use of abbreviation & codes] yet I've rarely paid for flights for nearly 30 years, as well as using my points to enable others to fly. Never had the time to get to the airport hours early just to drink some fizzy either, but along the way was inaugurated into Etihad Gold which was a lot less onerous than Qantas, as was Skywards on Emirates. Frankly I'm over qantas and am gradually moving away to Star Alliance & Velocity. Fed up with the continual devaluation of points value by a variety of means including status credits and coughty transfer values etc etc - talk about price gouging a group of people that were once considered valued customers - all brought on by qantas hunger for $$$'s selling points to corporations - a bigger earner than actually flying. I guess I shouldn't whinge too much as it has been good over the years, but latest gripe is an upcoming trip to Bali from Brisbane. Flights booked via Qantas website but direct flights difficult. For the pleasure of being shunted via Sydney or melbourne for hours on end they want more points and higher taxes. Managed eventually direct outbound and via Cairns on return only to find that seats are not included anymore - $66 bucks extra. no way qantas - I'm gonza
I think some of us are rather tied to one airline because of limited travel opportunities, even to Qantas. We can't afford to chop and change airlines willy-nilley because it would dilute our means of achieving any status within a reasonable time. None the less we celebrate the achievements we do attain, albeit LTG rather than WP or LTP. As a WP with LTG, I am enjoying the benefits whilst I can and not looking forward to going back to SG, but I will survive it, especially as a Y traveller.
Well, what a load of chestbeating! Congrats anyway if that's what floats your boat. I've been a QFF member since inception and not remotely close to life time gold, though did make silver for a time [I hate all this use of abbreviation & codes] yet I've rarely paid for flights for nearly 30 years, as well as using my points to enable others to fly. Never had the time to get to the airport hours early just to drink some fizzy either, but along the way was inaugurated into Etihad Gold which was a lot less onerous than Qantas, as was Skywards on Emirates. Frankly I'm over qantas and am gradually moving away to Star Alliance & Velocity. Fed up with the continual devaluation of points value by a variety of means including status credits and coughty transfer values etc etc - talk about price gouging a group of people that were once considered valued customers - all brought on by qantas hunger for $$$'s selling points to corporations - a bigger earner than actually flying. I guess I shouldn't whinge too much as it has been good over the years, but latest gripe is an upcoming trip to Bali from Brisbane. Flights booked via Qantas website but direct flights difficult. For the pleasure of being shunted via Sydney or melbourne for hours on end they want more points and higher taxes. Managed eventually direct outbound and via Cairns on return only to find that seats are not included anymore - $66 bucks extra. no way qantas - I'm gonza
Good luck with *A mate, I fly J on *A a lot and have to credit across 2-3 programs as not all J (and various other fare buckets under J) earns equally. Yes, for paid J my primary program sometimes will earn 0 miles.
I think some of us are rather tied to one airline because of limited travel opportunities, even to Qantas. We can't afford to chop and change airlines willy-nilley because it would dilute our means of achieving any status within a reasonable time. None the less we celebrate the achievements we do attain, albeit LTG rather than WP or LTP. As a WP with LTG, I am enjoying the benefits whilst I can and not looking forward to going back to SG, but I will survive it, especially as a Y traveller.
Well, my thoughts on "can't afford to chop and change" is you can't afford not to when other airlines are offering much better deals. As mentioned I got to gold with Etihad quite easily at one time that not only enabled me to fly home from Abu Dhabi in Business class but also allowed me to bring a huge persian carpet that weighed 90 kilos for no extra charge.
LT status appears to have been removed from the appp digital card. Noticed this a few weeks back. Maybe that is only if one holds higher status at the time - unsure.

Don't allow yourselves to become a prisoner to all these contrived schemes. Sadly, reading the various strings here it appears that many already are :(
Don't allow yourselves to become a prisoner to all these contrived schemes. Sadly, reading the various strings here it appears that many already are :(

Everyone has different situations, strategies and goals.

Your (Persian?) blanket statements are your opinion. Glad you've found your own path. Doesn't mean everyone else out there are the chumps you seem to be suggesting.

(And, for the record, since my last long haul was with Star Alliance last month, I don't consider myself a "prisoner." I have my own strategies to meet my own personal goals.)
Yes, of course we all have different goals, some of which are somewhat higher and more noble than others. Our Olympians strutting their stuff right now in Paris is one example of going for gold that will indeed be a LTG! Sadly FF schemes don't really rate - but whatever floats your boat I guess, if you're willing to play their game under their rules, which they have demonstrated they'll change when it suits them, usually to the disadvantage of the players [hello qantas]
Uh hih. That is part of it. We are all aware that the goal pists (to continue the sports metaphor) shift via rule changes, devaluations and so on.. even collapses of airlines(Ansett), or shifts in the landscape (eg SAS miving from Star to Skyteam) can have effects.

In many ways this is why something like lufetime status makes sense. Short of the scheme or airline collapsing, they have all historically honoured such status ir products (yeah, I know about AA and the AAirPass) so that can act as "insurance" for many.

I mention that since this thread IS about LT status.

Is the game worthwhile? I think that seems to be your point? I guess that's subjective. After all, you admitted you played it yourself to get EY Gold and take advantage of it. Ultimately we play by their rules. Do we extract the maximum value? Most probably do not. However, forums like this help more to maximise that.

Many have found the relative joys and freedoms of buying BFOD and not playing the game too.

Imo it's up to each punter what they do. I also don't think judgement of how others choose to manage their travel, to play the game or not, is really worthy. At tge end of the day it's for each of us to decide if our choices have been worthwhile.
Hmmm? Playing the game? Yes, agreed to an extent but with reservations learned over time. Let's continue with the sporting metaphor.
Please bear in mind it was over 30 years ago that I joined QFF - so whilst I may be new here I have been in the game if you like for a while, but not all consumed by it. For instance doing Status runs to me are laughable, both in respect to time lost and the cost, though if someone else is paying I can see why some people may consider it worthwhile.
I never considered myself to be playing a game either. I simply accumulated points, lots of them, from daily [mostly] business activities and used them mostly to fly somewhere as time allowed. It was not contrived or complicated. I've never received a joining bonus for using a particular credit card either.
I tried other airlines when it suited either for reasons of availability, price or convenience. I made Etihad gold simply through flying and it wasn't that hard. Unlike qantas.

In my view qantas has not been sportsman like in it's dealings with QFF members and other clients more broadly, to the point that their behaviour has been scandalous as has been widely reported.

Qantas gets immediate remuneration when they sell points to corporations who then reward us for our custom. There was a time when those points were treated equally with points earned via flying etc. For most people, especially those who have to pay for their own flights, that took time, sometimes a lot.
Then by the time they accumulated sufficient they found their points bought less - often a lot less, whereas cash purchases for flights varied little. The cost of buying shopping vouchers with points for instance doubled and tripled.
Given that qantas was remunerated years earlier this seemed unfair.

Thirdly, As one accumulated more points you moved through the levels for various additional benefits -simple. As time went on it became more difficult to achieve those levels &/0r the reward for doing so was reduced.
And then came status points which had the net effect of making some points better than others.
And no doubt those people who accumulate lots of points from flying as opposed to other means think that's wonderful - it's only fair - especially those whose employer pays for their flights.
Seems like there's a lot posting here, using a whole new language, their english littered with a pile of abbreviations only those indocrinated into the system [game] understand.
If nothing else it's amusing Whatever floats your boat
100% Dude. A lot of acronyms, jargon and put down around here. I know their speak, but don’t need advice to do my things. No doubt they are scaring people away.
A lot of self-focused Golden Triangle livers. Try it out in the boonies and have something real to whine about.
Apparently the use of abbreviations and jargon has hit a few nerves, which I find surprising in 2024, given they've been commonplace on niche hobby internet forums for a good three decades. They're really not that hard to learn or decipher...

Yours sincerely,
Self-focused Golden Triange liver
Apparently the use of abbreviations and jargon has hit a few nerves, which I find surprising in 2024, given they've been commonplace on niche hobby internet forums for a good three decades. They're really not that hard to learn or decipher...

Yours sincerely,
Self-focused Golden Triange liver
Well put a feather in your hat - you've received a "like" from a self confessed IT Nerd.. So, it's not just a game but also a 'niche hobby' .....Whatever floats your boat.
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Thank you - being a newbie still I had not noticed it
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The Forum Help Link is available on the bottom of every page. On that is this:
Thank you again! Wonderful - just confirmed my thinking! I now understand what WP means as per that list of abbreviations and it appears that I may have encountered some already - even WPx2
Hmmm? Playing the game? Yes, agreed to an extent but with reservations learned over time. Let's continue with the sporting metaphor.
Please bear in mind it was over 30 years ago that I joined QFF - so whilst I may be new here I have been in the game if you like for a while, but not all consumed by it. For instance doing Status runs to me are laughable, both in respect to time lost and the cost, though if someone else is paying I can see why some people may consider it worthwhile.
I never considered myself to be playing a game either. I simply accumulated points, lots of them, from daily [mostly] business activities and used them mostly to fly somewhere as time allowed. It was not contrived or complicated. I've never received a joining bonus for using a particular credit card either.
I tried other airlines when it suited either for reasons of availability, price or convenience. I made Etihad gold simply through flying and it wasn't that hard. Unlike qantas.


I've reread all your posts on the forum now. At first I thought you were trolling, but now feel otherwise. Anyway, by your own admission, you've absolutely been playing the game even if you realise it or not. Apparently what has floated your boat for the past 30 odd years has been accumulating points and using them for flights for you and others as you posted. Great! That's one of the major points (no pun intended) of these schemes, and even you admitted you've done well with this strategy over the years.

OK, you see now value in status and it's not really something you've flown enough (and you've used points mostly - after all you boasted that you rarely paid for any flights on QF - though of course you paid by earning the points, but we'll just put hat to one side). No worries. Although, ironically, you also indicated the great value you found in getting the status with EY (Ethiad) to enable you and your giant roll to come home in comfort and style. Yet, you seem to have a problem with those who do seek to earn and keep status. I know, I know "Whatever floats your boat." got it.

In my view qantas has not been sportsman like in it's dealings with QFF members and other clients more broadly, to the point that their behaviour has been scandalous as has been widely reported.

Qantas gets immediate remuneration when they sell points to corporations who then reward us for our custom. There was a time when those points were treated equally with points earned via flying etc. For most people, especially those who have to pay for their own flights, that took time, sometimes a lot.
Then by the time they accumulated sufficient they found their points bought less - often a lot less, whereas cash purchases for flights varied little. The cost of buying shopping vouchers with points for instance doubled and tripled.
Given that qantas was remunerated years earlier this seemed unfair.

Congratulations! You have just defined inflation! :D

A dollar earned in 1994 (when I joined QFF incidently) doesn't have near the same buying power as it does today. That's economics 101. OK yes, I am sure Captain Ahab will remind us that FF point devaluations are much higher than the rate of inflation over the years. That's true. However, while there have been various rises in Classic Reward (CR) seat prices over the years, QF actually hasn't raised them quite quite some time. Sure, availability is an issue, but that's also a function of increased demand (QFF and partner members) and supply. Also Economics 101.

And, ALL the loyalty schemes - hotels, airlines etc, do his. Just recently BA had a big devaluation for Avios use, and UA monstered some premium seat award costs. Your grass may be greener over at Virgin and whatever Star Alliance program(if any) you've picked, until they do the same thing.

L:ike real world inflation it's a fact of life.

I recall you mentioned earning 1m points over your 30 or so years of engagement with QFF. Congratulations! There are posters here who earn and bearn that in a month. For those folks (I am not one of them) the "I earned a point 30 years ago and it's not worth as much now" doesn't really have much meaning does it?

Everyone's in a different situation and float their own boat.

Thirdly, As one accumulated more points you moved through the levels for various additional benefits -simple. As time went on it became more difficult to achieve those levels &/0r the reward for doing so was reduced.
And then came status points which had the net effect of making some points better than others.

Not really as tier points and then status credits are an additional earn to points earn. I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.

OK yes benefits have been "enhanced" (as a QF pet word) over the years absolutely - I don't disagree with that. The earn rate of SC's though hasn't really changed in that time for QF flights - with a few tweaks over the years. (I won't get into the complex world of partner earn rates, "Simpler and Fairer" and all that, because many other airlines play he same games with their "partners")

And no doubt those people who accumulate lots of points from flying as opposed to other means think that's wonderful - it's only fair - especially those whose employer pays for their flights.

Not everyone is swanning around on someone else's dime. I'm self funded for example. And why should people not accumulate "lots of points" (though I think you actually mean Status Credits in this context?). Are you saying it's unfair for those flying for work to attain high status due to that? I'm not entirely sure.

Seems like there's a lot posting here, using a whole new language, their english littered with a pile of abbreviations only those indocrinated into the system [game] understand.

OK yes, fair enough, guilty as charged. I've been a long time member and I do slip into the "slang": of the board. Understandably confusing to new members.

If nothing else it's amusing Whatever floats your boat

Well, I've been pondering why you decided to plant your foot in this thread and trying to understand.

With respect, you've made it clear you don;t fly for status, and are not even half way to getting Silver status, so Life Time Gold is clearly not a goal for you. That's not meant as a criticism in any way - it's just not your flying pattern or way you engage with the program(s). That's absolutely fine! Whatever floats your boat! :D

So with that in mind, I'm curious as to why you've making these posts in a thread that doesn't really seem to have any relevance to your situation or way you see the system. In some ways it even comes across a little bit jealous or envious of those that perhaps have achieved this, or maybe a bit condescending to those you seem to feel are wasting their time/money/effort to achieve their goals (thinly disguised with boat floating). Or maybe you're just using it as an excuse to vent your obvious dislike for QF.

Perhaps all of these related posts should go to another thread because I see little relevance to Life Time Gold status with QF.
I've reread all your posts on the forum now. At first I thought you were trolling, but now feel otherwise.
OMG! Haven't you got something better to occupy yourself Richard? Are you the self appointed thread police?
Well, I've been pondering why you decided to plant your foot in this thread and trying to understand.
It was words in the title about LTG being the "Holy Grail". They made me chuckle and raised my curiosity. The more I read the more amused I became. It became evident that there was a whole lot of boasting and chest beating going on, using some sort of code [that I've since been given the keys to]
So with that in mind, I'm curious as to why you've making these posts in a thread that doesn't really seem to have any relevance to your situation or way you see the system. I
Or maybe you're just using it as an excuse to vent your obvious dislike for QF.
Yes Richard - you nailed it with this. Essentially I am fed up with them and discovered Australian Frequent Flyer in my research looking for alternatives. In reading some threads I thought I may find similarly disenchanted disappointed frequent flyers like myself, only instead to discover a whole pile of more recent converts inebriated with the jungle juice that qantas espouses.
I recall you mentioned earning 1m points over your 30 or so years of engagement with QFF. Congratulations! There are posters here who earn and bearn that in a month.
At no stage did I ever make that claim. However, since you raise it there were some months when I came pretty close courtesy of firms like BBC hardware [now Bunnings] & Telstra back around '94 who gave 10 bonus points, 11 in total, per dollar spent. Mobile phone bills back then regularly ran between $300 to $ 500 a month and a house load of timber would cost anywhere between $25k - $35k, so they did pile up for a while. Of course reward flights, of which I have had many don't attract points or status credits, so since the introduction of status credits tier levels are not possible when using points.
So, it's qantas I am pee'd off with. I am not jealous of those on here. If anything I feel a little sorry for them, though apparently that's misplaced too.
OMG! Haven't you got something better to occupy yourself Richard? Are you the self appointed thread police?

LOL. "Police"? No, that would be the forum moderators.

I just simply had some time as my little boat floated along between assignments, so I sat out on the poop deck and had a look to try and understand where you were coming from.

It was words in the title about LTG being the "Holy Grail". They made me chuckle and raised my curiosity. The more I read the more amused I became. It became evident that there was a whole lot of boasting and chest beating going on, using some sort of code [that I've since been given the keys to]
And yet the irony as you have also boasted (all the reward flights you've taken, your incredible Ethiad Gold/Business class experience etc). Also a bit of arrogant chestbeating too in your own way. Funny how you don't seem to see that. Well, whatever floats your boat.

Yes Richard - you nailed it with this. Essentially I am fed up with them and discovered Australian Frequent Flyer in my research looking for alternatives. In reading some threads I thought I may find similarly disenchanted disappointed frequent flyers like myself, only instead to discover a whole pile of more recent converts inebriated with the jungle juice that qantas espouses.

I know you're relatively new to the forum, but perhaps look at some other threads. There are plenty of disenchanted and annoyed members who are upset with QF and QFF. I can think of a number of regular posters off the top of my head who you'd find good company with :) So, do keep reading other threads. You might even stumble across one of the many posts I've made being critical of QF too (though you probably only think I'm defending them).

At no stage did I ever make that claim. However, since you raise it there were some months when I came pretty close courtesy of firms like BBC hardware [now Bunnings] & Telstra back around '94 who gave 10 bonus points, 11 in total, per dollar spent. Mobile phone bills back then regularly ran between $300 to $ 500 a month and a house load of timber would cost anywhere between $25k - $35k, so they did pile up for a while. Of course reward flights, of which I have had many don't attract points or status credits, so since the introduction of status credits tier levels are not possible when using points.

OK, if I misunderstood your claim then I apologise. Pretty rubbish coffee on the poop deck of the SS Minnow.

However, to your point above...

You claim you never "played the game"?! Like many of us, you took advantage of the promotions of the time and engaged with the program. That's playing the game even if you choose to not see it that way - I do. Plus your very many reward flights is by definition playing the game - collecting those points to then fly "for free" - if that isn't playing the game as it were, I don't know what is.

This particular thread has been discussing long term status and that is a different level of the overall "game" (or "niche hobby") but it's all part of the same thing I reckon.

Oh, and to update you on something you may not be aware of, if one attains Points Club with QFF (by earning a lot of points through spending, which is something you're clearly aware of) then they do provide for the earning of Status Credits on Qantas reward points. Indeed, many AFF members attain much of their status via this method (and judicious use of Double Status Credit promotions when they roll around). That is one way to get the best of both worlds for some members (since higher status unlocks access to more rewards, such as your Bali trip being more direct).

So, it's qantas I am pee'd off with. I am not jealous of those on here. If anything I feel a little sorry for them, though apparently that's misplaced too.

And OK, fine to be annoyed with QF and seeking alternatives. There are plenty of discussions on this board and other forms such as the Virgin one, Star Alliance etc as you've possibly discovered. Many people who perhaps travel a bit more frequently engage with multiple programs to maximise broad benefits (I am one of those) and that can work to address some of the shortcomings of one or another "loyalty" program.

You're doing what feels right for you - and probably is - by shifting your engagement to others. That's fine. Everyone has different needs and priorities. I'm not sure there's a need to "feel sad" for those who see things differently or who have different levels of engagement to look to seek / achieve goals like Life Time Gold status with QF. Still, I guess those that do appreciate your sympathy.

Again, I don't think this particular thread is the right place for this "debate" but I'm not the forum police - I just post an opinion - just like you. There would appear to be other threads you could contribute to that might be more appropriate.

Of course reward flights, of which I have had many don't attract points or status credits, so since the introduction of status credits tier levels are not possible when using points.

Incorrect, if you have Points Club or Points Club Plus (awarded predominantly based on ground points earn) you can indeed earn Status Credits on Classic Award flights.

Noting that Points Plus Pay award flights have always earned SCs too.
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