I've just reviewed the entire TR in preparation for my trip this December - a mighty effort, and very informative, so thanks
@OZDUCK . However it did bring back my apprehension about using DB and a quick Google sees no improvement.
However, yes we were probably a bit unlucky in suffering both a severe snow storm and a strike. I think the important thing is to try as much as possible to reduce the number of connections and especially shortish ones. If you do your bookings on the D Bahn site you can adjust the connection times to avoid some of the suggested 4 minute ones and also to avoid 'local' trains like the RE or RB ones which are usually slower and busier with no seat reservations. And our last two trains actually ran a couple of minutes ahead of schedule.
I bit the bullet and decided to go DB - Flexipreis Europa, 1st class using a 'Probe/trial' 3 month 1st class BahnCard, with 50% off fares. I decided to go 1st class because TKWIA, get lounge access

, reserved seat and I figure it might give me better flexibility in event of irrops. Basically I think I can take any train on the day, or the next. Expensive, but all paid for now, so essentially free on the day.
Must remember to cancel the BahnCard.
I planned the routes with a minimum of 1 hour for transfers, but already one has been enhanced down to 35 minutes.
8 Dec Dusseldorf (arrive from HEL) short hop to Koln for 2 nights.
10 Dec Koln to Karlsruhe ICE 2 stops, 34 min transfer, Karlsruhe to Strasbourg ICE . 2 nights in Strasbourg (have been there before)
12 Dec Strasbourg to Stuttgart ICE 1 stop, 47 min transfer Stuttgart to Munich ICE 3 stops, 40 min transfer Munich to Salzburg for 2 nights. This is the one I'm a bit worried about, but we'll see.
14 Dec Salzburg to Vienna on RJX; 'business class' for 2 nights, then fly out to HEL and then down to the Caribbean to thaw out.
Of course I turn 54 edit:
65 on 16 December so miss out on that age discount 'by that much'
Any comments or cautions or tips would be welcome.