About 20 minutes before scheduled departure a gate change was announced.Fortunately just to gate 20.The Denver plane was still at the gate and left about 10 minutes before our scheduled departure.As soon as it was out our plane came in.Was a very quick turnaround and pushback was only 5 minutes late.Before boarding the gate agent announced the plane was oversold and wanted 1 pax to wait until the 1400 service and receive a $300 voucher.Several obviously thought it was a good deal.
DFW-RDU AA332. ETD-1120. push back-1125. Take off-1133. MD 80.Seats-4F,5F.
Eta-1500. Land-1447. At gate-1450.
Uneventful flight apart from the carry on problems with boarding.Mrsdrron was trapped in her seat by a POS.Served lunch.Mrsdrron had a chopped chicken salad though the chicken was in 1 piece on the side.I had the turkey salad with a hot cole slaw.Both ordinary.Nice country as we came into RDU.
So off with everyone else.Wheelchair was waiting with a lovely,talkative African American woman as our pusher.Unfortunately the plane to LGA which was to depart at 1540 was showing as now leaving at 1440 so we went to the AC.A standard non exciting lounge with basically no views.But at least comfortable seats and used the drink coupons.At 1410 our pusher came and took us to the gate.We were starting to fatique by this time.Our plane was at the gate but nothing was happening.The plane at the next gate was to JFK.Shortly after we arrived at the gate the JFK flight was announced as having a 2 hour delay due to the storms around NYC.Didn't sound good but no announcement from our gate.We had checked the weather forecast for NYC when at NRT and it said a 30% chance of light showers-on the ball again.
At the gate diagonally opposite was an AA772.Off to LHR at 1800.Again we heard that it was overloaded and they needed 2 people to get a later definite seat to LHR or their final destination(presumably the next day) + a $1000 voucher.Dont know if they got volunteers.
At 1715 with the gate display still showing a 1640 departure we were pre boarded at 1715 and we felt things were going to be OK.Little did we know.Had to "valet"check mrsdrron's carryon.Those in Y where told they had to gate check their bags!
RDU-LGA. AA3305. ETD-1540. Push back-1746. Take off-1913. CRJ. Seats-1A,3A.
ETA-1715. Landed-2016. At gate-2022.
Yes push back was 30 minutes after we boarded.The Captain was obviously anxious and we nearly backed into a Jet Blue plane going past.On the way out the Captain announced we were going to have to wait 45 minutes before taking off.So we sat there.Started moving after 45 minutes but we turned away from the runway.A lot of pax including me thought we would not be in NYC that night.The Captain then said we had to wait another 15 minutes.In fact it was 90 minutes from push back to take off.An hours flight.3 hours on a puddle jumper is not pleasant.:evil::shock:

Had a QFlink type service.We both had a white wine.Just drinkable.About 30 minutes out of LGA at 31000 feet we went into thick cloud and came out of it about 100 feet off the ground coming in to LGA.Fortunately not much turbulence.
Had to wait a little while to collect the carryon-was the 3rd one after Captain and First Officer.I got ahead of mrsdrron as our bags had taken a direct flight to LGA.Fortunately as soon as I entered the baggage hall I saw them standing there.So as soon as mrsdrron arrived it was out to the taxi.It was raining so the longest line of pax and shortest queue of taxis I have seen at LGA but fortunately the line moved quickly so soon we were off to the Hilton on 6th Ave.
NYC next-but short of the normal tourist things as we worked out with this stay we have been in NYC for 9 months of our lives.