I retired over 3 years ago. Earlier than I wanted/expected. Father had died and mother...was unwell.
So retiring on a defined benefit seemed like a good idea
I was worried I would be bored or ..something
90% of the time it is brilliant.
There is always something to do or plan.
Future events to look forward to.
I have tried for a couple years to do the ua3 (?) Events as they look very interesting havnt got there yet.
I am however still disposing on items from my parents house sold in 2015. So many things
I read a lot I do socialise with friends, I travel I plan travel and now have a grandson to look forward to in a few months
Also the other half is hoping to retire in the next year or so.
He has plans , work on our place.. the garden...painting .
Fortunately like others retiring without debt does help .
Reading occupies my time... trying also to increase my fitness level. Having a government sedentary job was not kind to my physical health.
As wafty as it sounds , I do enjoy retirement and also am grateful I am retired as sure as heck I don't have time to work
It is funny reviewing my retirement time ....it seems mine is quite self indulgent and....lacking structure . It is fun though.
Also if one does have a cruddy day you just stay in bed and read
...uber eats exist
OP do hope you enjoy your retirement