Thank you to all of the people who post on this site - the information has been invaluable. I am in the process of building 2 x J RTW for Christmas 2015 and would welcome feedback on my trip. At the moment I have booked:
- LYS-LHR (Stop)
- CDG-MAD-BCN (Stop)
- BCN-MAD-JFK (Stop)
The overall plan is to do:
- LYS-LHR (Stop)
- CDG-MAD-BCN (Stop)
- JFK-LAX-LAS (Stop)
I've managed to do the booking so far without any change fees due to the presence of some "ghost" Iberia seats, which I and the consultant could see but gave an error message when we tried to book. The consultant put a note on my booking giving me a fee-free change.
Initially I had planned to fly BCN-MAD-BOS with BA but, after reading advice on this site, I switched to Iberia (better feedback and taxes were about $A350 less). Also, thanks to this website, avoided flying out of LHR and saved $.
I realise legs 5 and 6 may be problematic due to lack of AA seats and demand on LAX-BNE route but am happy to go via HKG if I have to.
It's a conventional itinerary compared to many I have read about on this website but has taken me a fair bit of work and I would not have even gotten this far without the knowledge I have gained from all of you.
I have employed the HUACA

strategy on a couple of occasions (to my benefit) and never cease to be amazed by how much incorrect information some consultants give (although I've also talked with some excellent staff who go out of their way to help).
Thanks again for all your help