I had two WP greetings and attentive CSMs this week - both domestic, which was quite surprising! Also, I had travelled BNE-MEL-BNE-MEL-BNE this week (all on QF except for one DJ MEL-BNE), and these took place on the last two flights (as I was getting more tired), so the gestures were appreciated even more than usual:
26/7 BNE-MEL (4D - on a new BSI 738

). On boarding with a garment bag, the CSM took a passing glance at my BP and immediately offered to hang the bag up for me, after which he looked at the BP properly, and responded with "Welcome back Mr xx". After take-off, he came to my seat and again greeted me by name, and offered a choice of newspapers. I was again addressed by name during the meal service, and although he returned jackets prior to landing, he kept my bag in the cupboard, and was holding it as he stood by the exit door, waiting for my departure. His farewell included my name again - couldn't have been more impressed!
28/7 MEL-BNE (4C - last minute sub 738 -> 734...). I got the impression that the CSM was the grumpy type from his pre-take-off announcements, though after take-off he came to my seat, greated me by name, and offered a newspaper. He also came to my seat later in the flight to again see if there was anything that he could get for me - not the grumpy type at all it would seem!
Crew on my other QF BNE-MEL flight were also fantastic, even in the absence of a CSM greeting.
Forget the 'opt out' feature - perhaps they should make an 'opt in' feature... I could really get used to this!! Their attempted restoration of staff culture really seems to have achieved wonders (from what I've seen anyway) - keep it coming!