Calm down? How about you stop defending Abbott and his 3 word catchphrases? You're absolutely right Abbott hasn't pulled out any policy now or forever, beyond stop the boats, ditch the witch and cut the tax. That is not policy.
As for Rudd. the man has come on as leader of the ALP and as PM to make changes. WTF do you expect him to do, make changes or sit on his hands. Lets not forget that he has been PM for 3 weeks of course he has to outline his policy position. He has to make change, that is the whole point of him taking the top job. Really you criticism is pretty pointless, and misguided. The only one who needs to get off the grass, is the person who things change isn't going to happen. Otu with Gillard means a new policy agenda. REally not sure why you can't understand such a basic concept.
For someone who hates people who blindly support their team, you seem to do a good job of blindly supporting Abbott.
Stop the boats : used by Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard on multiple occasions
Ditch the witch : never spoken by TA, but in a sign behind him in a public place which he was likely unaware of. If I stand behind you with a sign that says 'idiot' does that make you an idiot? I wouldn't have thought so.
Cut the tax : pretty much all coalition policy is about reducing the size and complexity of governments allowing citizens to be free of oppressive regulation and taxes, and I'm not aware of any member of the public who would like to be taxed more, but no doubt there are far-left non-tax paying university students who can argue the merits of socialism - Julia being one of them back in the day.
As for Kevin Rudd, I find it very convenient that those on the left have conveniently forgotten what a shambles their party actually was when last he was the leader. The evidence of the imminent dysfunction is clear in the current mass exodus of senior Labor figures. Sounds like you may be 'blinded' by the very same ideology to which you accuse others of.
The policies currently being trotted out by Rudd are populist, campaign policies with no regard for the future of the country, and will have no effect on sentiment, which is at an all time low due to a large amount of uncertainty over the government's 'policy on the fly' approach. At least they have been consistently inconsistent - much like a certain flag carrier we all know.
Stop the boats : the coalition have a proven track record in this area with the combination of tough border laws and temporary protection visas.
Ditch the witch : kind of a moot point considering the Labor party looked after that one.
Cut the tax : well Kevin is taking care of that through an array of smoke and mirrors for campaign reasons. Unfortunately the flawed system will remain. Greatest moral challenge of our time was it Kev? Under the coalition the scheme will be terminated in whole.
Any other three word slogans that require further explanation or should we just start with those?