If you have to negatively gear a 2nd home to make it worth while then you can't afford it in the first place!
Look at all the idiots in Europe who bought investment properties for their retirement and on the advice of accountants negatively geared them to gain a tax benefit, now where do they sit?
While we all love to reduce our tax liabilities and somehow have a win over the greedy taxman, the end result is that if you pay a lot of tax, you are earning a lot of money. I'll be happy when someday I have a $500,000 annual tax bill.....
I hate paying tax, but it's relative to my income. We are about to buy a 2nd property as an investment and I have already told the accountant that I have no interest (no pun intended) in negatively gearing it. I want to clear its mortgage ASAP. If I'm paying tax on it, then I'm making money on it.