As a soon-to-be JQ regular (sigh), I'm interested in this thread. HL for me is always in the vicinity of correct weight, but with VA I never really had to worry. JQ will be with a max bundle, so luggage included, but may I ask how strict they are on size? For example, I have a Asics sports bag which I regularly use as it comes in at just 1kg but it is too big as normal hand luggage (not by a great deal) but with 7kgs in it, it'd be able to be squashed down quite a lot. Does that count, or do they look at size if it was completely full?
Apart from the Asics, I have a Samsonite hard case wheelie (2.5kgs) which I like as it can easily be hand luggage or checked luggage and it also came with a cover which protects it against the onslaught of baggage handlers. Pity about the weight.
Also a Kathmandu back pack, which is very adaptable and lightweight at 0.5kg.
And I always have an over shoulder bag (man bag if you wish to denigrate my manliness

) which accompanies me at all times and carries all those essentials. At 0.5kg, it's a must and in it (rolled up at the bottom) is a Tommy Bahama cotton and cashmere jumper (0.2kg) which is perfect to carry as we never know if the planes air cond. will be pumping out at 40C or 4C.
Of course, we have plenty of both hard and soft case larger suitcases for extended trips but the above selection alternates as hand luggage depending on my needs at the time.
As for packing, I usually do that just before I bolt out the door for the airport, usually wondering for the next hour or so, what it is that I've forgotten!