Thanks! The pilot advised the condition, noted the intruder had bee restrained by passengers, he was in control, and requested security to apprehend.
He also wanted the claimed explosive device checked out.
He sounded calm and methodical. No injuries, no violence reported, no worries.
So what in this requires a squad in combat gear with assault rifles?
I can think of two things:
1. In a Chinese Whispers scenario the message is passed along in an increasingly garbled form until a combat squad is required to deal with the platoon of crazed terrorists who have slaughtered half the passengers.
2. The police are just making sure that whatever they find aboard the plane they can deal with and will take no casualties, and the passengers and crew will have to fight off the bad guys until they are good and ready to board.
IF there is a real threat to anybody's safety, then the primary objective is to get the passengers and crew to safety, surely? Perhaps a smart move would be to have someone board the plane on arrival and assess the situation if there is any doubt that the pilot is telling the truth.