Payment reminder alert

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Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
I am interested to know if other cardholders are having the same problems with their Amex charge cards.

I have a Corporate/Qantas Amex which I am personally liable for. We have an iExpense system at work which is set up to automatically pay the account once you have justified the transactions, but I never manage to do this in good time and am often months behind.

So I pay the account each month myself and claim back the expenses from work later. This mostly works OK except when I forget to pay Amex and they start chasing me for the money plus interest. Usually (not always) they will reverse the fee, but prevention is better than cure so to help me remember I have set up Card Alerts on the Amex website. This is where my problem lies.

I have ticked 2 of the 3 options - Payment Received and Payment Reminder. The second one is the most important as it should stop me from forgetting to pay, or from setting up the BPAY transaction a month later then I planned (as happened last month). But it does not work, and I suspect I know why.

According to the Alerts FAQ

How many days in advance can I set the Payment Reminder Alert?
The Payment Reminder Alert can be customized, for Charge Cards you can receive a reminder up to fifteen days after your statement is issued, for Credit Cards you can set the alert up to ten days before your payment due date. As a reminder, with all payment methods, please allow the appropriate time to have the payment transmitted and posted to your account.
But the alert type it always offers me is "Send X days before payment is due". I have tried changing this alert and disabling/re-enabling it but it won't budge from this mode, so the upshot is that I don't get the reminder to pay up. Whilst I understand that email or no email it is my responsibility to pay up before the next statement date, it is really annoying that this publicised feature which is just what I need as a safety net is not there when it counts.

Frustratingly every time I ring Amex to ask them to find the problem and fix it they just reverse the charges on the assumption(?) that the alerts issue is just a smokescreen for me not wanting to pay the late fee. There is possibly some truth in that but I genuinely would like to know if it is just me that has the problem or is it a bug.

The one explanation I can think of for this behaviour is that once upon a time I had an Amex credit card (you know the one - lots of bonus points and fee free for the first year) which I dumped years ago, but remember setting up card alerts for. Maybe the computer has locked me into credit-card alerts and refuses to change them to charge-card alerts.

So my question is - does anyone here use Card Alerts on their charge cards and does it work?
I use alerts (email) on my credit and charge, but have never received one because I hardly use the charge card.

The credit doesn't always work for me, although I usually have my bank bpay schedule the day before it's due. Alerts are set 5 days just to give me a nudge, and I don't always get them.

I don't think you're by yourself here ...

EDIT: I have some AMEX cards in Canada too, and they are hit and miss like AU. I guess it's the same software ... on AMEX's backend ...
I use the alert for my charge card and have had a mixed experience with it.
On some occassions the reminder alert comes about 3 day after I have received the account ( it isn't set for that time frame, this is just when it chooses to arrive) other months, I don't receive any reminder alert. The alert that payment has been received is consistent and works each time after payment. It hasn't caused me enough concern to motivate me to follow up with Amex, as I generally remember to pay on time and was just using the reminder as a 'back up'.
I also have an Ultimate Card and the alerts seem to be ok for this account.
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