We were now ready for our J flight OKA-HND.Fortunately on JAL J is usually just 1000 yen($A12.50) dearer than Y.In fact on this flight the J ticket was 3000 yen cheaper than the cheapest Y fare.So it was a no brainer.
Boarding though was moved from a gate to a remote pad.This is where most airlines truly botch premium boarding.Sure J pax and elites were called first and got onto the bus.There were suspiciously a lot fewer elites than usual.The hordes then descended on the bus so although first on we were last off.I suspect those elites from JAL held back and were in fact last on the bus.
Then it is the climb up the stairs.OK for you younguns but when you have metal joints and balance problems it is not that pleasant.Got to our seats-across the aisle from each other.It was a domestic B772.
It is 2-4-2 in J and 3-4-3 in Y.As you can see in the second pic J was quite empty when we were seated but by the time the last pax were on J was full.most of the J pax did indeed board last.
So a few shots from the cameras -
Soon after take off the plane seemed to stop climbing.We were not that high above the water.I worried at first but then noticed out the right side a couple of fighters taking off from the US air base.I guess you shouldn't play chicken with them.
After getting north of the base we started climbing again.A bumpy ride and clouds all the way.Very windy into HND and we wobbled from side to side on approach but a good landing.
The real story though is the catering.It is a 2 hour 10 minute flight and this is the total of what you get.
You could get seconds.You did get a sweet for the descent as well.Our flight left OKA at 1130 am.