In the past week we've seen two examples of Ben Sandilands running off with the tiniest rumour, treating it like it's a Big News Story and turning out to be completely wrong, to the point where QF has had to issue a statement correcting the gossip and speculation which he treats as 'reporting'.
First was the "Qantas to get 787s" blast which had not a shred of truth, The Australian and others ran items where Qantas came out and said it was bollocks. To their credit no respectable journalists touched the original 'story' with a ten foot pole. I've got RSS feeds for all of them and Australian Aviation, the SMH, The Australian, the AFR, AusBT, not of them gave it any credence although a few bloggers jumped on it and we even had a few here on AFF who said words to the effect of "Ben Sandilands said it so it must be true!".
Today he got smacked down again after an idiotic article pumping the equally idiotic line that Emirates was set to take a financial stake in Qantas. Bloomberg had the story and hyped it up a bit but Ben jumped on it and gave it his usual diving off the deep end treatment, so Qantas had to yet again issue a statement which he put on his website with QF explaining how it's simply not possible and Joyce has already ruled out such notions.
Yes Sandilands knows aviation and the industry but he strikes me as a cranky old bugger who will jump on any story to stir things up and justify his Crikey column and salary!