A quick point of order: the 9% super is not "gone", and I'm sure you know this. Trying to portray it as "gone" is disingenuous (at best).
I have - and that provides me with an interesting data point - thanks. It still doesn't change my point though - having the "people who won't work more because of the tax rate" column go from 0 to 1 doesn't change the overall ratio very much at all

As an aside, it's also nice to see someone choosing family / leisure time over more money - is an unfortunately rare thing!
Out of interest: how much lower would your tax rate on overtime work need to be for you to change your mind?
Of course there is no leglislated example of men earning more than women in our society - apart from anything else, it's illegal. And of course in an enviroment where everyone earns an award rate you're also not going to see a disparity, because the award controls it all. But this doesn't mean it doesn't happen in environment wheres people earn more than award rates.
There is
lots of research showing how common it is women to earn less than men for doing
exactly the same job. I'm not talking about earning less due to choosing different careers, or earning less than a man the same age because of career-slowdown due to having kids, or whatever: these are women with exactly the same experience doing exactly the same job as a man, and earning less for it.
+1. Amazing how many businesses don't get the importance of this.