Sorry - can't help myself - hope this is useful - its not on your taxable income. It is actually your "income for surcharge purposes". Which is Taxable income (including net amount on which family trust distribution tax has been paid), exempt foreign employment income (if your taxable income is $1 or more), reportable fringe benefits, total NET investment losses and reportable super contributions. There is removal of income if you are 55/59 with a super lump sum.
I am glad that not only have they not simplified the rebate system they have made the basis of it nice and complex.
Imagine the customer going into a Medibank private shop:
Customer: Hi I would like to buy some health insurance please - how much will that be?
MBP Employee: Interesting you should ask - how much rebate do you want to claim?
Customer: ?
MBP: Well you claim a range of rebates now or claim none and let the government work it out in 12 months.
C: A range?
M: Well it is based on your income for surcharge purposes
C: ?
M: You know the amount of Taxable income (including net amount on which family trust distribution tax has been paid), exempt foreign employment income (if your taxable income is $1 or more), reportable fringe benefits, total NET investment losses and reportable super contributions.
M: Oh and there is removal of income if you are 55/59 with a super lump sum
M: Dont forget that if you guess how much all of that is is in the 12 months and the government thinks you guess wrong on purpose they might fine you.
Yeah that will be a simple conversation for retail trained people to communicate before they even start on how much cover you get for certain procedures in certain hospitals which is pretty much determined by which suburb you live in...
Ah well at least the govt will b investing in great new services - or just plugging a whole in the deficit- I can never remember which it is.